Real Talk With Reginald D (Motivational Speeches/Inspirational Stories)

Motivational Coaching Q&A Segment:  I Have Stress & Anxiety With Everything Going On In This World (Motivational Speech)

Reginald D. Sherman Season 3 Episode 154

Are stress and anxiety weighing you down? Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress and anxiety?  Are you struggling to find peace in a world full of chaos, uncertainty, and pressure?

You’re not alone! In this episode of Real Talk with Reginald D, Reginald D answers a listener's question and tackles the overwhelming pressures of life and how to break free from the cycle of worry. Whether stress comes from your past, your present responsibilities, or the state of the world, this episode is packed with faith-filled strategies to help you reclaim your peace.

  • Discover 10 practical steps to manage stress and anxiety through faith and action.
  • Learn how to shift your mindset and stop letting external chaos control your inner peace.
  • Gain powerful scripture-based affirmations to declare over your life daily.

Don’t let stress and anxiety dictate your life—hit play now and start applying proven, faith-based strategies to find lasting peace, joy, and confidence in God's plan for you! It's time to equip yourself with real, actionable tools to overcome stress and embrace the peace that God has already promised you!

Tune in now for an uplifting conversation and Reginald D's life-changing wisdom, which aims to bring hope and clarity to those feeling burdened by stress and anxiety. 

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Welcome back to another episode of Real Talk with Reginald D's motivational coaching question and answer segment. I'm your host, Reginald D. This is a space where we keep it real, raw, and rooted in faith. I received a message from one of my listeners who said, Reginald D, I have so much stress and anxiety with everything going on in this world, and I need help. First off, I want to say thank you for your question and that you are not alone. I hear you. I see you. And more importantly, God sees you. So today we'll be tackling something that's weighing heavy on a lot of people, or that many are struggling with right now, stress and anxiety. Listen, I know firsthand how overwhelming life can feel. The bills don't stop, responsibilities keep stacking up, and the world around us feels like it's spinning out of control. I'm here to tell you, God never intended for us to live in fear, stress, and constant worry. He has given us the tools to find peace. And today I'm giving you practical faith-filled steps that will help you regain control, find peace, and start living with joy. So if you're ready, let's unpack this together. Grab a notebook, because I'm about to give you some life-changing wisdom. Sound good? Let's go. Now let's get real. Stress and anxiety don't just come out of nowhere. They have roots. Some of y'all are carrying stress from your past, things that were said to you or done to you. Others are dealing with financial stress, health issues, or just the weight of the world's chaos. Let's be honest, the news alone will have you think the sky is falling every day. So the first thing we gotta do is identify the source. What's been keeping you up at night? What's making your heart race? Pause for a second and think about it. Let me share something personal with y'all. There was a time in my life when the weight of everything got so heavy that I almost gave up. I remember one night I was sitting alone, just feeling like I wasn't enough. The voices in my head were saying, you're not going to make it. You're not strong enough. You're never going to be who God called you to be. And I believed it. But then something shifted. I closed my eyes and said, God, if you're really there, If you really have a plan for me, I need you to show up." And let me tell you, he did. Not in a big dramatic way, but in a still small whisper. I felt peace come over me. It didn't make sense. My situation didn't change overnight, but my spirit did. That's when I realized stress and anxiety have power only when we let them control our minds. But when we give our minds to God, when we surrender that worry, He does something supernatural with it. Now I'm going to drop a scripture on you. Philippians 4 chapter 6 and 7 verse says, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition for thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. It doesn't say try not to be anxious. It says, do not be anxious. That means we have a choice in the matter and the promise God's peace would guard our hearts and minds. Fam, that means even when things around you are crazy, even when everything looks like it's falling apart, you can have peace because God is holding it together and holding you together. Now I want you to imagine that you're in a boat and a storm is raging all around you. The waves are high. The winds are howling. The water is crashing in. That's life sometimes. The world is going crazy. Your personal life might be in shambles, and it feels like you're about to sink. But here's the truth. Boats don't sink because of the water around them. They sink because of the water that gets inside of them. Let that sink in for a second. It's not about the chaos around you. It's about whether you let it inside of your heart, your mind, and your spirit. Jesus was in a boat during a storm too, remember? And while the disciples were panicking, Jesus was sleeping. Why? Because he knew who was in control. So I challenge you, stop letting the waves of life drown you, protect your peace, guard your mind, pray, worship, speak life over yourself, and don't let the storm outside become the storm inside. Now I'm going to give y'all some real practical steps you can take starting today to help you reduce stress and anxiety. These steps blend faith, mindset shifts, and real-world application to help you find peace and strength. First, you need to start your day with God, not your phone. Before picking up your phone and checking social media, emails, or the news, spend at least five minutes in prayer, meditation, or reading scripture and talk to God. Let God speak to you first, not the world. Let Him set the tone for your day. Speak to God. Tell God that I surrender my day to you. Lead me, guide me, and fill me with your peace. You need to realize that how you start your day sets the tone for your entire mindset and everything else. Or take 10 minutes, no stress zone break, which will reset your mind. Take 10 minutes daily to unplug. No screens, no stress. Walk, sip tea, or worship. Fam, you have to also limit negative input and negative thoughts. Turn off the news sometimes. Be mindful of what you consume online. Stop letting negativity live rent-free in your mind. Declare peace, strength, and faith. Every time a negative or anxious thought pops up, count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and replace it with a positive statement or scripture. Here's an example for you. Instead of thinking, I can't handle this, Say, I am strong and God is with me. This will help limit your stress because stress is often fueled by negative self-talk. The moment you start thinking, I'm not good enough or I can't handle this, count five, four, three, two, one, and immediately replace it with the truth from God's word. Repeat the scripture. Philippians 4 chapter 13 verse, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Now I also want you to speak life over yourself daily. The words you say can shape your reality. Every morning look in the mirror, the clarity is out loud. I am strong. I am at peace. God is in control. Next, I want you to breathe with purpose. When anxiety hits, take deep breaths and pray. Breathe in peace, breathe out worry. Deep breathing calms your nervous system and stops stress in its tracks and stops stress from spiraling. When you feel anxiety creeping in, breathe like this. Inhale through your nose for seconds. Hold your breath for seven seconds. Exhale slowly through your mouth for eight seconds. Repeat this three to five times whenever stress arises. One thing you need to do is move your body to move your mind. Go for a walk. hit the gym, stretch. Physical movement helps release stress. Exercise releases endorphins and natural stress relievers. Move for at least 10 minutes a day, walk, stretch, dance, do jumping jacks, or listen to worship music or a motivational speech while moving. I also want you to write down your worries, then pray over them. This will help you with your stress because stress multiplies when you keep it locked in your mind. So get it out of your mind and down on paper. Get a worry journal and write down everything causing you to stress. Then take that list and pray over each thing one by one. You also need to control what you can and release what you can't. We all tend to stress over things out of our control. Make a two column list. On the left, write what's in your control, your attitude, how you spend your time. On the right, write what's out of your control, the economy, other people's choices. Now focus only on the left side daily. And fam, we must remember to give ourselves grace. You're doing better than you think. Stress grows when you're too hard on yourself. So when you feel overwhelmed, tell yourself, I am doing my best, and that is enough. God's got me covered. And remember to always end your day with gratitude. not worry. Gratitude will shift your entire perspective. Before bed, write down three things you're grateful for and thank God for what he's already done and what he's going to do. I want to take the moment to thank my listener for this question. I truly appreciate you reaching out and trusting me with this. I sincerely hope these tools not only help you navigate stress and anxiety, but also serve as a blessing to others who may be facing the same struggles. You're not alone in this, and together we can walk toward peace and strength. And listen, if this episode blessed you, share it with someone who needs it. We all need a little encouragement, and sometimes one message can change a life. All right, family, here's your challenge for the week. Every time you feel stress or anxiety creeping in, I want you to stop and say this out loud. God, I give this to you. I trust you with my peace. Then take a deep breath. and move forward with faith. Write it down. Put it on a mirror, your phone, wherever you need the reminder. Because I promise you, when you make this a habit, your mind will start to shift. And that peace God promised, it will start showing up in your life like never before. Then pick one or two of my steps I talked about. Whichever step speaks to you the most and commit to doing it every day this week. Start small, but stay consistent. Listen, fam. You don't have to carry all of this alone. God's got you. And we're in this together. If this episode blessed you, share it with someone who needs it. And if you're struggling, hit me up. I'm praying for you. And I believe God is about to move in your life in a powerful way. Now don't forget to send your questions to me via email at rsherman at or visit my website at By the way, You will be able to find all the links in the show notes as well. That's all for today's episode, fam. Until next time, keep walking in faith, keep believing, keep pushing forward, and remember, you are stronger than a storm, and stress doesn't own you, and anxiety can't find you. You are stronger than you think. Stay blessed. 

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