Real Talk With Reginald D (Motivational Speeches/Inspirational Stories)
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Welcome to Real Talk With Reginald D, a top-rated podcast hosted by Minister, Motivational Coach, and Motivational/Inspirational Speaker, Reginald D. Sherman. This motivational podcast is your go-to source for powerful motivational speeches, transformative advice, and faith-based wisdom to help you overcome life’s challenges and unlock your extraordinary potential.
Every Tuesday, Reginald D delivers powerful impactful motivational messages and engaging inspirational interviews with dynamic guests—from CEOs and athletes to artists, activists, and everyday individuals—sharing their personal journeys of triumph, purpose, and perseverance. Each episode is packed with raw, unfiltered insights to ignite your passion, strengthen your faith, and inspire you to pursue a life of meaning and success.
Real Talk With Reginald D goes beyond motivation; it’s a platform for self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. Whether you're conquering obstacles, chasing dreams, or seeking purpose, Reginald D provides the guidance and encouragement to help you rise above and embrace the incredible potential within yourself.
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"The only limits that exist are the ones we impose upon ourselves." — Reginald D
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Real Talk With Reginald D (Motivational Speeches/Inspirational Stories)
The Power Of Talent And Purpose (Motivational Speech)
Unlock Your True Potential! In this episode, Reginald D breaks down the power of talent and how it connects to your life’s purpose. Too often, we settle for what we can do instead of embracing what we’re truly gifted at. Reginald D shares how identifying and developing your natural talents—just like elite athletes—can lead to success, fulfillment, and purpose-driven living.
Stop doubting yourself. Start walking in your calling. Your God-given talent is the key to your breakthrough!
Tune in now and step into your greatness.
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Welcome to Real Talk with Reginald D. I'm your host, Reginald D. On today's episode, I'm going to talk about your talents and your works. Let's go. Let's talk about talent. The meaning of talent is a general intelligence or mental power. It means ability. Talent is a natural endowment of a person. I need you to understand that your talent is going to take you to the place that you're trying to go. Your talent is the very thing that's going to lead you to your purpose. You're probably saying, how do I identify my talent? It's pretty simple. Your talent is a thing that you do so great with minimum effort. It brings your passion out, even though what you're passionate about is tough sometimes. I need you to understand that the reason you haven't gotten out of life what you want is because you're not using your talents and your gifts. You're using your ability. You go to work because you have the ability to. You go to school, you have the ability to. You're doing a lot of things in your life because you are able to do them, even though it's bringing you less value. Your talent is the one thing that's going to maximize your life. Your gift is going to make room for you. You need to stop doing things just because you're able and capable of doing it. Everything is not meant for you to do. It's just not. If it doesn't require your talents and your gifts, then I promise you that it's not worth doing. So don't do it. Don't waste your time. You've been doubting yourself too long. You've been doubting yourself because things are not going your way or the way you planned. It's all because you're not using your God-given talents in this world. I need you to understand that you have all the power, talent, and skills within you to get what you desire for your life. even though the odds may seem against you right now. The talent within you will see you through it. It will get you to where you need to go. You are not supposed to sit on the sidelines wishing and waiting for great things to come to you. Use your God-given talent and power and go get it. After all, you have the dream. You know what you want. It's just going to take your talent. It's time for you to discover those special things about you. Those hidden talents within you will make your life rewarding, fulfilling, and satisfying. I need you to hear me closely. You are in the midst of the rest of your life right now. You're either going to shift and use it like it's supposed to be used or lose all the good things that it was supposed to bring. I need you to understand that God has a plan for the rest of your life. And the way you understand that plan is that you have to use your talents and God-given skills. and keep developing them. Remember, developing and using your talents is the best way to find what God has for you in this life. Think about this. You're walking through life not even walking in your full power, not even utilizing your talent. You're just doing what you need to do, but not doing what you're supposed to be doing. It should make you excited to know that there is something more powerful inside of you that you haven't even tapped into yet. Not using your God-given talent makes you settle for good, but utilizing your talent will make you go for greatness. Let me paint this picture for you. Let's say, for instance, your gift and your talent is singing, but you want to play the piano because you like the sound of the piano, but you are not that good at playing it. Which one is going to make you flourish? Your singing, right? Because it's a talent and gift that you have. Just because you want to do something doesn't mean it's for you. Your God-given talent is going to create the right place and situation for you. Let me ask you a question. Do you truly like what you do every day? Do you like your job? If you are one of the ones that cling to a job because it pays the bills, then you're going to be stuck in that job that you're in for most of your life. Do you understand that your talent can make way for you to pay your bills also? Do you know how much freedom you will feel by doing things on your own terms and still providing for your family? Now here's the thing about talent. It will not produce or allow you to walk in your power unless you put the work in it. You have to give it 110% every day. Think about a football team. Let's say a pro NFL team. Now they all are talented. or they would be on the team, right? So why is it that only a couple of people that's on the team is actually great? Keep in mind, they all have talent. The reason that only a couple of them are great is because they outworked the rest. They took their talent to another level through their work ethic. You can't lack effort when it comes to utilizing your talent. Effort is the turbo to your talents and your gifts. It will shoot it to the next level if you apply it. You have to understand that you are the one that's responsible for your God-given talent. Even though God gave it to you, you are responsible for it. Here's the kicker. God wouldn't have given you your talents if he didn't trust you with it. He trusts you, but you just got to trust yourself. Do you know that you are so gifted and unbelievable? There is so much greatness in you that the world needs to see. I need you to remove the fear and allow your talents and gifts to take you to where you're supposed to be in this life. It's time for you to stop going down the wrong roads in your life. You have to get on the road to your purpose and your talents and your works is going to get you there if you stay motivated and determined and be willing to do what it takes. It's that simple. There is a hidden you inside of you. You have to understand and know your potential. When you work your talent, it will multiply. You just got to work it. Don't be afraid of being the best. The best is who you were created to be. So why not be it? And be it with an attitude. Put some swag behind it. Attitude and swag is not being conceited. It's being confident. The more confidence you have in your talents, the bolder you're going to be when it comes to utilizing. I need you to quit stressing out about your future. You are your future. Your talents, your gifts, and your works is your future. This is your opportunity to become that person that you always wanted to be. Now you heard that I said your opportunity. An opportunity is nothing if you don't take advantage of it. I'm going to leave you with this. It's time for you to start sewing in and nurturing your talents. That's going to take you to where you want to be and supposed to be in life. I need you to use your talents to work the plan that God has for your life. No more doing what you just need to do. It's time to start doing what you're supposed to do. Realize why you are here. Don't worry about all this other stuff. Ask yourself this question. What am I doing with my talent? It's time for you to start living life the way you were meant to live life. Utilize your talents and your works. Bring them two together. And if you do that, then your talent and gifts will find your stage. Thanks for tuning in to Real Talk with Reginald D. If you enjoyed listening to Real Talk with Reginald D, please rate and review on Apple Podcasts. See you next time.