Welcome to Real Talk with Reginald D. I'm your host, Reginald D. On today's episode, I have TKeys Hawkins. He is an award-winning gospel artist. He's a producer, songwriter, host of a YouTube show called OMG Lit. Welcome to the show, TKeys. What's up, man?
Yes, sir, man. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so much for having me.
Oh, man. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule, man. You're a busy man.
Yes, sir. Man, I appreciate that. I appreciate it.
I think he's so tell us a little bit about yourself and where you grew up. Yes, sir, man.
So I'm from Greensboro, North Carolina. You know, born and raised Greensboro, North Carolina. As far as the musician side, that pretty much ran in my family. Like my brother, he plays the drums. My other brother, he plays the drums. Their father was the one who actually taught me how to play the keys. You know what I'm saying? So I always had people around me that were musicians and things of that nature. So it was like I pretty much self-taught, you know what I'm saying? So. Music has just always been in the family. Preaching has always been in the family. That's on the music side. You know, I'm married. It'll be six years. That's next year. So I'm actually a year early. So technically five years. I live here in Orlando, Florida. Six years now. And so just glad to be here, man.
Yeah, exactly, exactly. We got a lot of coming, man, because I come from a generation of pastors and preachers and musicians and things like that, man. And it's a whole bunch of us, man. We play keyboards, we don't read music, none of that. Play by ear, we call it play by ear. You know what I'm saying?
Yes, sir. And I'm a PK as well. My grandfather was a bishop, so I'll always play at his church. You know what I mean? From the drums to the keys, because I'm a drummer too. So from the drums, the keys. And then I took a break from that and I was a trustee. It's so funny, man. But, you know, all of those things, man, had, you know, it cultivated me, you know, to who I am today. And all glory belongs to the Lord, man.
That's it, brother. That's it. You hit it right on the head. So, TKs, I'm gonna ask you a question, man. Can you share with us for a journey into like gospel music because here's the thing. if you grew up in it like you and I did, and I've seen it so many times, where you have so many talented individuals that grew up, and you're, like I say, a big kid, and once they get there, you know, get old enough, they're ready to get out of this, do something different, you know, go on an R&B band, or do something, you know what I'm saying, stuff like that, instead of being into, you know, into the gospel side of things. What inspired you to keep pursuing that path?
Well, on the gospel side, well, you know, I grew up always in church, you know what I'm saying? Monday, well, Sunday, then Monday night, Monday, Tuesdays, maybe like rehearsals and midweek services. So it's like I was always in church, you know what I mean? And so I was just like, man, I was like, why do I gotta go to church like this all the time? Like, why do we gotta go every day? Like, I don't understand that. Like, why? You know what I'm saying? So like, I was that kind of guy, you know what I mean? But then it really didn't start hitting until I started listening to Ty Tritt. So my love for church and my love for God didn't really kick in until I started listening to his music. And so, like, man, I will listen to his music, you know, day and night, man. And I think I drove my family crazy, like, man, like, what is it about this Ty guy that's really drawing you like that? And I'm just like, man, I don't even know. But it's just like his sounds, his word, his message, I mean, it really resonated with me. You know what I'm saying? I mean, if you know Ty, I mean, I mean, come on now, you know what I'm saying? Back in the G.A. days, you know what I'm saying? I mean, he was smacking, you know what I mean? So, you know, but I would always listen to, you know, listen to his message, his music. And it really helped cultivate my relationship with God. And it even inspired me to start writing. Real quick, man. Um, when I was in school, you know, I was labeled with a learning disability and all of that. So like my understanding and reading and things like that, I would take like side classes and go to summer school and I would do all of that. Like the teachers didn't think I was going to make it. Some of my family, they didn't think I was going to make it. So, you know, but It wasn't until maybe my 11th, 12th grade year, I started making like straight A's and all this stuff. And it was like, man, where was all this like years ago? You know what I mean? I was just like, well, you know, I was just so focused on, you know, my purpose. I was focused on my calling, you know what I'm saying? And it was kind of crazy. I know that now, but back then I didn't know that, you know what I'm saying? But anyway, but, you know, Time Tribute has always been, you know, my inspiration. He helped cultivate my relationship with God, how I write, how I produce. And it was kind of hard for me to stay focused in school, too, because I would watch some of his YouTube videos, like, on a sneak. But yeah, man, it's really had been a journey for me, man.
Well, awesome, man. But I'll tell you what, man, you talking about Ty Tribble, you talking about a giant, man.
Talking about a giant. Yeah.
And I was at the Estella Awards this year, Vegas. When Curt Franklin get up there and tell you, hey,
That was huge, man. That was huge. Yeah. Yeah, it was.
So TK, have you ever did any work with Ty? Um, no, I haven't done any recordings yet.
Right. But Anytime, you know, like the musician, the main keyboardist, you know, sometimes, like, you know, if they had somewhere to be or whatever, then, you know, they would call me to kind of fill in. So it's really, you know, a small situation. You know what I'm saying? I know sometimes things on paper or what it seems like. But really, you know, it was just like, bro, I just need to fill in in this spot right here. You know what I'm saying? So, like, you know, I'm gonna keep it real. You know what I mean? But the Bible also says the spot is not the small beginning. You know what I'm saying? So from that, and then plus, you know, I was attending, you know, rehearsals. Even when I wasn't playing, I was attending rehearsals just to be in the room, just to fill the room out. You know, let me hear what they doing. Let me, you know, what are they doing right here? Like during this part of the service, what do they do? You know, because they practice all of that. when they were in rehearsals or whatever. So I used to be in there, you know, just sitting there listening and just being a sponge, taking it all in. And then when it was my time to be behind that board, oh my goodness. Yo, let me tell you, I remember the very first time I got the call to actually play, I was scared out of my mind. Like I'm telling you, it was like, at this point we were at the Holy Land down here in Florida. And that was my first time playing. I've never played in no college, Sam. I've never did it before. So, man, when I got that first time, that call to play for the first time, I was so scared, man. And I was just like, yo, like, why am I so nervous? I've drank about this. I've prayed about this. I've written it down in my journal. I studied this dude inside and out. Why are you this scared? But man, you know, they offered me that one time to play. And I kid you not, I never thought that I would play again after that time. But man, I'm telling you, man, but they kept, you know, they called me again. And then they called me another time. I was like, well, thank you, Jesus. You know what I'm saying? So I mean, you know, any opportunity that I have, man, you know, I don't take it lightly, you know, and, and of course I can't take credit for it, you know, all the glory be to the Lord, you know.
Cause you said something, you know, you don't take things for granted, man, but you have to understand that a lot of time, life's give you moments. What you do in that moment is going to dictate what's going to happen next or what could happen. So you got to take advantage of your moments.
At the end of the day, I tell people, everybody looking at this long road and this whole big vision that they got. I'm telling you, man, you got to deal with each moment to get there. If you fail in these moments, you'll never get to your purpose where you need to go. Exactly. Exactly. So, 2Keys, let me ask you this question. Yes, sir. Your latest project, Pre-Porter Hour, what was the inspiration behind it?
Wow. It was really the pandemic. So, like, The project is combined singles. It's like a compilation, if I'm saying it right, of singles that I had released over time, and I just kind of made it into one project. So really, those are like pandemic records that I did during the pandemic, and I just combined it into one project. But the pandemic was what really inspired it. I was one of the ones that got laid off my job, you know what I'm saying? Along with other musician friends. And, you know, we always just going through it. And that project led to the OMG Lit Show. And I'm pretty sure we're going to get to that in a second. But but really, it was the pandemic and just being laid off. And like, Lord, like, when am I where's my next meal will come from? Like, I'm like struggling, you know what I'm saying? You know, I was having a hard time. But, you know, God just kept He kept giving me songs, and then he also allowed me to be in the room with people who I never met before. Everybody that's on that project, I have not sat in a physical room with yet. You know what I'm saying? And so, to me, that was a whole blessing. That was God showing me, like, listen, I can provide. I can make waves, even during the pandemic. You know what I mean? I got you covered. And I was just like, yo, like, that's crazy. Like, how does that happen? You know what I mean? But you know, it's never, you know, by my power nor by my might, but it's always by the spirit of God, man. So, you know, when we all locked in the spirit, spirit of God, he makes it all happen. That's all I know. That's all I know to say, man. God makes it all happen. So, you know, during that time, man, it was, it was almost kind of like bittersweet. I was like, man, like I'm struggling, but man, these blessings feel good too though. You know what I'm saying? So, yeah, that's what inspired that record.
Yeah, he always come through, man. Yeah, always. We don't understand his ways, not always his thoughts, not our thoughts, man, but he always, he always come through. And a lot of people, such as yourself, and I've heard it, you know, when the pandemic hit, man, a lot of people really found out who they really are and what their purpose is.
Ooh, I'm telling you. I mean, I think the voice breaks were sky high. Like, what in the world? But you know, God, you know, he kept my marriage together. You know, we never together, you know, we've never, you know, like going without, you know, it was just going through that season when I got laid off. I felt like I was, you know, lacking it. I felt like, you know, man, you know, I'm supposed to, you know, be the leader. I'm supposed to be, you know, the provider of the household. You know, all these thoughts that men would normally think. And so, you know, just going through that whole thing, man, it was, it was crazy, man. You know what I mean? It was crazy, man. But, you know, God still made a way. His message still got across, you know, through the music and through the show in which we're about to talk about in a second. All glory belongs to the Lord, man. And I'm going to just keep saying that throughout the show, man, because I want people to know, like, you know, no matter how gifted, talented you are, no matter who you know, what kind of connection you got, All the glory belongs to the Lord, man. So, you know, forgive me if I sound like a broken record, but I just have to give credit to God, man.
No, no, no, no. You get credit to God all day on this show, brother. I'm going to be wild with him. I'm going to tell you that right now.
Hey, hey.
I don't give nobody no credit but him.
Yes, sir. Absolutely.
At the end of the day. So, what challenges have you faced in your career and how did you kind of overcome them?
What challenges have I faced? Well, I faced a whole lot of them. One of them being support. You know what I'm saying? One of them is being support. I've went through that phase. Oh, man, you know, you sound like, ah, you got it. And you think you listen. You think, like, people have, like, literally called me and told me, like, man, like, you know, People want to ignore you because you know, you sound like this person sound like that person that I remember I was in Greensboro and Being that we both from North Carolina. I was in Greensboro and this one engineer He says something that was just so powerful to me. He said bro received it as a compliment because People are actually comparing you to greatness. I Was like whoa yeah like i've never heard nobody you know say that before and so when people hear and when people see the greatness that's on your life you know regardless if you know you sound like another artist or this person or that person the fact that you can be compared to greatness that's the big deal and i you know so don't don't be offended when people are comparing you to certain people, you know, they just mad because they're not as great as you are. You know what I'm saying? And I was just like, yo, I've never looked at myself as, you know, the best or this, that, and the third. I've never done that. But the fact that he came out and said that, you know, that pretty much gave me some type of peace, you know, on the inside, because, I mean, that thing was like really, it was walking with me for a minute. I was just like, man, like, let me change up my style then, because I don't want to, you know, I don't want to sound like I'm, you know, fighting or anything or copying and, you know, I don't want to sound like that but at the same time it's like when you being influenced and when you when you study the Bible says study to show yourself approved when you study great people you implement the things that you've learned because you studied for so long you know what I'm saying and so I was just really going through that phase you know going through writer's block you know trying to switch up my style so I wouldn't sound like that but then it just came moment I was like you know what It is what it is. I'm going to have to accept it and receive it. And, you know, years later, I've won a few awards. I've been nominated for a few awards here in Tampa, Florida, and prior to me moving here to Orlando, Florida. So if it ain't broken, don't fix it. That's it. That's it. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
If people don't understand, man, they don't understand that They talk about sounding like this and sounding like that. But the biggest thing is, you got to understand, it's a sound. The sound is what draw. I hear songs from different artists. Ditch the Hat got a song and that sounds just like Prince playing. Yeah. I mean, it sounds like some of the greatest music. Yeah. You can hear a sound. I was talking to my cousin. She's a gospel artist and a radio personality, Darlene McCoy. And yeah, so I was talking to her and a lot of time we talked, she said, man, how do you know music like that? I said, I can hear the sound. I was going to tell you who beat that is, who's behind that. I do the same thing. So it's the sound, man, you know, and that's the thing about it. But like you say, man, when you compare it to greatness, hey man, you know, it is what it is. When you sell more albums than them, You might not, but then you might will, you know, at the end of the day. Because if somebody say, hey man, that dude fight like Ali, you know, you know, so what you going to be? You can pair me.
Right. That's that's what I'm saying. And I mean, you know, when I first started out in my music career to also, you know, answer, you know, your question about, you know, my challenge, I also had like in the back of my mind, Can I write? Can I, you know, will people actually understand what I'm writing? Because I had so many challenges in school. You see what I'm saying? With understanding of, you know, reading, writing and all of that. And one point I was on medication. It was, you know, a short period of time, but, you know, I was on medication at one point, but I was also dealing with that. I'm like, man, let me just, let me see. So like my very first song that I released was called OMG. And so I teamed up with a homeboy of mine. He wrote the song. I co-written on that verse just to see if I could write, just to see if people would like it. And so that song immediately was played on 90.1, and they are still playing this song to this day. Wow. They have been like, they have been playing my song. How many years is that? What, like eight or nine years? What? Almost 10 years now. 8, 10, almost 10 years. So it's, you know, it's, I'm like, man, like, okay, that's what inspired me to keep writing. So, you know, later on, it was everything gonna be alright. And then another project, I Made It, that's actually one of the songs that's on the pre-party album that I put on there. I've written that all myself at that point. You know what I'm saying? Because now it's like, I'm confident now. You know what I mean? I got such a peace about the gift that God has given me. And you know, when I first released my song, I ain't never written none. You know what I'm saying? Like I ain't never written a song. But the fact that people kept, of course you're going to have your haters on the back end. And then you're going to have some people that actually love what you do that are haters. So, you know, but as long as, you know, people was enjoying my music and it was still hitting radio in various cities, that pretty much kept me on the right path. And then the fact that on this project right here, man, the people that's on this project right here, I'm like, oh yeah, I'm in at that, you know, I'm good now, you know what I'm saying? I'm like, hey, you know. So that's pretty much what has been, you know, my challenge, you know, from the responses of people, you know, hating, you know what I'm saying? Like, ooh, you sound like this. So from that, and of course having that disability just stuck in my mind, you know what I'm saying? It was like, I was still diagnosing myself and it ain't there, you know what I mean? Like, it's nothing but a ghost, you know what I mean? And I feel like, you know, us, artists, you know, we typically, you know, go through that. You know what I'm saying? Like, whatever the artists may have endured, it's like it plays in the back of their mind. Like, man, do I still got it? Am I too old? Am I too this? Am I too that? So, I mean, every artist, you know, they deal with something, man. But that was my experience as an artist.
Yeah. I mean, and you're right about it. But, you know, when people start questioning themselves, artists or whatever you do, when you walk into your gear, you start questioning yourself. Absolutely. Only because you are built for greatness. And you want to know, can I still stay on this level? You're not going to be mediocre. Yes, sir. You keep making music all you want.
Yes, sir.
It'll be great. And so that's why a lot of people hold themselves accountable to greatness, which I think is a big thing. And that does bring on, man, You know, you get a little slow period, you know, you get a little drought, and you're like, man, am I still the dude? Or am I just sad? But that just comes from being great. So TK, let's go on to your YouTube show, OMG Lit. What inspired you to create this platform, man?
So it was around 2016, I had this idea. Of course, this was like way before I got married. This was like, you know, I was living with my grandma at that time. So about 2016, I had this vision of how I wanted the show to be. I already had the name or whatever. It was just, I didn't have the right, I felt like I was missing something. Like I was missing the people or I can't remember, you know, what it was at that time. But to fast forward, that was the vision that I had back in 2016. So now it's the pandemic. So now, you know, we done released the music. Now we're getting ready to go into the show. I was just like, man, you know, like everybody, they going through situations. And, you know, I got a whole lot of artists, friends, a whole lot of music and friends. No touring was going on. Nobody releases music like that. Well, some people were, but. But you know what it was during the pandemic. So I was like, man, let me keep these people encouraged. Let me keep them uplifted, you know, along with this music that I was releasing. So the show, it actually caters to independent artists. And I don't know if you're familiar with the show 106 in part or not. Oh, yeah. So, yeah. So I was just like, man, like, what if I did something like similar, but, you know, made it more about God, not not so much a churchy show, but something that will attract the unchurched. You know what I'm saying? Because everybody is not going to come to your church building. You know what I mean? Everybody ain't going to do that. So I was like, man, let me put out a show where we still represent God, but we still being ourselves. You know what I mean? Like, we still You know what I mean? We're not being like overly religious or anything like that. So the show caters to independent artists, small businesses. I've even done giveaways on there. So it was just something to keep the inspiration, keep people motivated. I didn't charge anybody to be on the show at all because of the times that we were facing. You know what I'm saying? So I just want to create it. Excuse me. I just wanted to create that visibility for for artists and, you know, small businesses. Cause I mean, everybody was out here struggling. So I was like, well, I've even offered them the platform to sell their merchandise on the show as well. You know, if they had any product. So, I mean, this is pretty much, you know, me just giving and pouring in and, you know, and even to this day, you know, I still run it the same way. You know what I'm saying? I guess for me, it's just to kind of keep me humble. In a way, the show is never about you. Even though it's got your name on it, it's never about you. It's always about, you know, serving people first, because that's how you started. And I think a lot of... Never mind. I think, you know, what we've been seeing lately, we've gotten away from the authenticity of why we are doing what we are doing. You know what I'm saying? And so, for me, I don't really put out too much music. I don't really, you know, deal too much with the industry because it's real easy to get lost in it. You know what I'm saying? So when I put something out, when I do a little something, it's like I'm out, I'm concentrating, I'm talking to God, you know, I'm spending time with my family, I'm chilling and until it's time for me to do something else. So it's like, you know, the moves that I try to make, I try to do it. I try to be intentional and I try to be purposeful and not just doing something because I got a gift or I got a talent. And you know what I'm saying? I think that happens a lot, though. You know what I'm saying? You know, everybody got a gift, everybody got a talent, everybody got connections, and we feel like we just got it.
But... Yeah, you hit it right on the head because I tell people, the most important thing, I don't care about, you know, what kind of gifts you got and what kind of talent you got and things like this. If you can't manage it, then you'll never get where you need to be. Like you said, trying to get up here and throw out 100 songs a month and all that kind of stuff. Listen, man, if it don't line up with God, if you don't hear from God, I don't do it. It could be one song a year, whatever the case may be. But if it's him, that one song gonna be fire. You know what I'm saying? So that's one thing I admire about you because you see people, man, they just throwing out music left, right, left, right. I'm like, man, it ain't... It ain't, it's no substance behind it.
You know what I mean?
Right, right. So what's next with T Keys?
Oh man, what's next? Well, I'm still, you know, working on that part. I do have some more music. I've been flirting with an idea of wanting to write a book, but I want to see what God is doing in the next season of my life before I actually, you know, put it in a book. But that's been on my mind a lot lately, though, is writing a book. about my journey and how far I've came and, you know, from the school to music and just some things about my life that I want to incorporate in the book. But so far, man, that's pretty much it, you know, between the book, releasing some more music, and I don't know, we might do another show, another OMG Rich Show, who knows? Who knows, man? So, whichever way that God leads me, man, you know, that's where we going.
You're a wise man. You're a wise man. Yes, sir. So let me ask you this. So you have young generations and things like that want to get in, you know, be a gospel artist. So see things and want to break into the industry and things like that. What kind of advice would you give them?
Stay authentic. Stay authentic. Remember the reason why you do what you do, because the moment you lose that, you're done. you're pretty much done at that point. So I would just say this, just stay authentic, stay true to yourself, stay true to your morals and your values and remember that, you know, this music industry is all that it is, you know, and that's something that I've learned, you know, being here in Orlando, Florida. there's going to be a lot of things in this music industry or whatever industry that you're in that's going to contradict, you know, what you believe. So just, you know, continue to stay true to yourself and also have the right people around you and have the right company around you that'll help push you into purpose. So yeah, just stay authentic to yourself, stay true to yourself and God will work out the rest.
That's it. That's it. So now I want to hit you in your heart real quick. Okay. So when people think of T. Keith Hawkins, what legacy do you want them to remember?
Oh, well, dang, that did hit. Oh, I mean, just thinking about my journey. If I had to sum it up into one scripture, with God, all things are possible.
That's all you need.
That's it. That's it.
That's it. That's it. Because you got the word all things. So we're good, right? Yeah. Yes, sir. Good. So TK's last, how can the listeners support your music or follow you or support your show, OMG Lit?
Yes, sir. So I did not mention about the show and how you can find that, but I'm glad you asked me that. So the OMG Lit Show is on YouTube. So all you got to do is just type in T Keith Hawkins OMG Lit, and then all of it will up for you. My name is T-K-E-Y-Z, Hawkins, H-A-W-K-I-N-S, and then OMG Lit, and all the episodes will come on there. So that's on YouTube. You can find my music on Apple Music. iTunes, wherever you download your music, it's available there. My Facebook, TK's Hawkins, everything is just TK's Hawkins. And that's how you'll be able to find me.
Outstanding. Outstanding. Well, there you have it. TK's Hawkins, brother man. Yeah. Thank you for coming on the show.
Thank you so much. Thank you so much.
I hope you keep enjoying that Florida weather.
Hey. Man, I appreciate that. I appreciate it. I love it here in Florida, man. It's amazing down here. The weather feels great, except for when it gets cold. I love it down here, yo.
Right. So there you have it, everybody. TK's Hawkins. Thank you so much for stopping by, brother. God bless you.
Reginald D
29:22 - 29:27
Thank you. God bless you.
29:27 - 29:29
God bless. And anything you need from me, just let me know. Yes, sir.
Reginald D
29:29 - 29:32
Will do. Thank you so much.
29:32 - 29:34
Yes, sir. Thank you for tuning in to Real Talk with Reginald D. If you enjoyed listening to Real Talk with Reginald D, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts. See you next time.
Reginald D
29:34 - 29:43