Real Talk With Reginald D (Motivational Speeches/Inspirational Stories)

Motivational Coaching Q&A Segment: "My Life Gets Heavy, It Feels Like I'm Carrying It All Alone" (Motivational Speech)

Reginald D, Sherman Season 3 Episode 138

In this episode of Real Talk with Reginald D, motivational coach Reginald D, addresses a listener's question, "my life gets so heavy sometimes, it feels like I'm carrying it all, and no one truly sees how much it hurts." Reginald D then dives deep into the universal feeling of being overwhelmed by life's challenges. Reginald D acknowledges the heavy burdens many carry, whether it's balancing school, work, or personal responsibilities. He shares personal experiences from his high school years, where he juggled multiple jobs, family obligations, and the quest for his purpose while dealing with feelings of rejection and abandonment. This episode is a heartfelt conversation aimed at those feeling weighed down, reminding you that you are not alone and that it's okay to seek support. 

Join Reginald D for some real talk about resilience, hope, and navigating life's pressures together.

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Welcome to Real Talk with Reginald D's motivational coaching question and answer segment. I'm your motivational coach, Reginald D. In my motivational coaching segments, I help you navigate life's challenges with faith, hope, and resilience. Thank you for tuning in. And if you're listening for the first time, welcome to the family. Today's episode is for anyone out there feeling weighed down and totally overwhelmed by life. This feeling is universal, and it doesn't matter if you're a teenager, juggling school and work, or if you're older with all sorts of different pressures. That feeling of being overloaded is something so many of us is feeling right now. So now, we're going to dig deep into a list of questions that hit me right in the heart. Let me read it to you. Regina D, my life gets so heavy sometimes. It feels like I'm carrying it all. and no one truly sees how much it hurts. If you ever felt like this, stay with me. We're about to have some real talk. First, I want to acknowledge this. Life does get heavy. You're not imagining it. The responsibilities, the expectations, the disappointments, it can all pile up. I get it. And when you're carrying that weight alone, it feels unbearable. I know this because I've been there. Let me take you back to a time in my life when I felt like I was drowning under the weight of it all. When I was in high school, I was trying to balance working multiple jobs, helping my mom pay bills, and providing for my little sister, and figuring out my purpose. I felt like I had to be the strong one for everyone. It was like I couldn't let anyone see me crack. On top of that, I was battling feelings of rejection from people close to me and abandonment from not having my father in my life. I thought, if I don't hold it all together, who will? One night I broke. I was in my car parked out in front of my house. And I spoke to God and I said, Lord, do you even see me? Because I don't think anybody else does. I'm doing my best, but this is a lot. And in that stillness, I felt him whistle to my heart. You're not carrying this alone. I'm right here with you. Cashio cares on me. And that moment led me to 1 Peter 5 chapter 7 verse, which says, cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Let me tell you something, fam. God is saying, give it to me. That weight you're carrying, it's not yours to bear alone. Now that doesn't mean life magically gets easier, but what it does mean is that you don't have to bear the burden by yourself or carry everything alone. You got the creator of the universe, the one who knows every detail of your life. He's ready and willing to shoulder the load. I like to think of life like a backpack. Every responsibility, every worry, every heartbreak, it all goes in that backpack. Now, if you try to carry it by yourself, it's only a matter of time before you're overwhelmed and you get crushed by the weight. But imagine if someone walked up and said, let me help you with that. See, that's what God is saying to you. He's standing there, arms outstretched, saying, let me take some of that weight. The thing is, you got to be willing to hand it over. So how do you do that? How do you give your burdens to God? Well, first, you got to pray honestly. Don't sugarcoat your prayers. Tell God exactly how you feel. If it hurts, say it hurts. If you're mad, then tell him. He can handle it. You need to get those feelings out, but be real about what's wearing you down. Remember, it's okay not to be okay. And you don't have to pretend everything's perfect. Then find your people. Even though it feels like no one sees you, I promise there are people who care. It might be a pastor, a friend, or even a counselor. You don't have to go at it alone. Finding sources of support and strength outside yourself means you're surrendering the need to control everything. And you're allowing yourself to lean on someone or something bigger. When you share with people or with God, it can help you build resilience. And you're basically saying, I can't do this on my own. I need some support. And it's okay to ask for support. Admitting you need help is a big step. And your vulnerability is often the key to finding the relief you so need. And sometimes just talking to someone can make those burdens feel a little bit lighter. Release perfection. You don't have to have it all together. Give yourself grace. No one has it all figured out. And it's okay to make mistakes. So you need to be kinder to yourself. Now I'm leaving you with a challenge this week. But first I want you to ask yourself these questions. What's in the backpack that I'm carrying right now? What are those things that are weighing me down? What would it feel like to start unpacking things out of my backpack? Now, I want you to sit down, take out a piece of paper, and write down everything that's weighing on you. Be real. Be raw. Write it all out. When we externalize stress, When we voice it or write it down, we will actually feel lighter. You will be taking those words out of your head and giving them a tangible form. Put those words into words, making them external, and you will start unpacking that backpack piece by piece. This is a great exercise because sometimes we see our burdens and worries written down. A pattern may emerge. or we may realize that things aren't really as big as they seem, like in your head. So once you've written it down, I want you to pray over that list and say, God, I'm giving this to you. Help me to trust you with it. Then every day this week, spend 10 minutes in quiet time with God, asking him to show you the next steps to take. Surrender those words and worries to God and lessen your load. Fam, I need you to know that you are not alone in this. You may feel unseen, but God sees you. You may feel unsupported, but he's holding you up. And you may feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, but you got a savior who's already carrying it all for you. You got this because he's got you. To my listener, thank you for your question. and I truly hope it helps you and any other listener who may be feeling this way today. Now don't forget to send your questions to me via email at or visit my website at or message me on my social media platforms. Just search Real Talk with Reginald D., and do me a favor, make sure you share this episode with your family, friends, and don't forget to subscribe to the show so you can receive alerts when new episodes are published. By the way, you will be able to find all the links in the show notes as well. Thank you for tuning in today, fam. If this episode touched your heart, do me a favor, share it with someone who needs a little encouragement. And don't forget to tune in next week for more inspiration and Real Talk. Until then, remember, the only limits in life are the ones we impose upon ourselves. You're stronger than you think, and you're never alone. Take care, stay blessed, and see you next time. 

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