Real Talk With Reginald D (Motivational Speeches/Inspirational Stories)

Learning How To Chill Out And Relax (Motivational Speech)

Reginald D. Sherman Season 2 Episode 122

In this episode, Reginald D dives into the essential topic of learning how to chill out and relax in our hectic lives. Life can be overwhelming, filled with challenges and demands that often lead to stress and anxiety. However, we are not meant to live in a constant state of stress.

Reginald D encourages you to shift your focus and redirect your energy towards relaxation, which can enhance creativity and clarity.

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Welcome to Real Talk with Reginald D. I'm your host, Reginald D. On today's episode, we're going to talk about the power in learning how to chill out and relax in life. Let's go. Life is so hectic. Life is so challenging. Life is so demanding and oftentimes you end up overwhelmed and stressed out to the point you want to give up and just quit. I get it. I totally get it. But what if I told you that you were not meant to be stressed? See, the truth of the matter is that no matter how much you got going on, you were not meant to be stressed behind it. It's all about how you view your situation. It's all about how you redirect your focus. You are too busy worrying about things that you got to take care of anyway. You're too busy worrying about going to work, knowing you have to go anyway. Why worry about it? Stop being at work when you're off work. Every minute that you grab to chill out and relax, the better your focus and creativity is going to be. You are in bundles right now because you are not allowing your creativity to come through. You are not taking the time to chill out and relax and think things through. Do you know if you are disciplined enough to take the time to chill out and relax? It will fuel you with more strength and power. See, the problem that most people have is that they invite themselves into situations that they don't need to be in. And they will tell you that they keep getting in these situations because they have a heart. I need you to understand. Just because you have a heart does not mean you have to be everybody's savior. If you keep doing that, it's going to suck the life out of you. Let me ask you a question. When are you going to start chilling out and relaxing so you can get your life back? When are you going to start loving every moment about you and your life? It can happen. You just got to learn how to chill out and relax for a while. That's going to help you think things through and not do things in haste. You got all these dreams and aspirations. You got to be able to see clearly or you will never achieve them. Do you know when you can clearly hear God? You can clearly hear God when you learn how to chill out and relax. The more noise that you're around, the less you can hear. You hear the noise, but you can't hear the main thing you're supposed to hear because of the noise. The quieter you get, the more you can hear the main thing, which is God's voice giving you direction. You'll be so much better than what you do every day if you just take the time to chill out and relax sometimes. Do yourself a favor. Stop overthinking things. Chill out and relax and let it go. Life is going to happen. You just got to learn to let it go. Quit embracing the things that you have no control over. It makes your path in life way more difficult. Don't do that to yourself. So what if the person you love walked out of your life? Chill out, relax, and let it go. Embracing the pain is not going to bring them back. The important thing is what you're going to be doing in the meantime while the right person is on their way into your life. Are you going to be so damaged from the past relationship and keep embracing the pain or will you choose to chill out and relax and let it go? Okay, so you lost your job or didn't get the promotion. Stop worrying about it. Chill out, relax and let it go. Worrying about it is not going to make the situation different. It is what it is at the end of the day. Your best friend may have hurt you. Quit holding on to that. Chill out and relax and let it go. The more power you give a situation, the less power you're going to have while going through the situation. You know when you ignore something or somebody, they will eventually go away, right? Start ignoring all the drama and stupid things in your life. There's no place in your life for stupid stuff. Take a deep breath and inhale happiness. If you inhale happiness, you will excel happiness. When you learn how to chill out and relax, that's when you find your calling in life. Nobody never finds their calling while being busy. They find it through relaxation. I need you to understand that it's critical for you to chill out and relax. It will awaken your mind to all kinds of different things. I need you to ignite your passion again. Your passion is going to take you to your true calling. I need you to understand when you learn how to chill out and relax, it would allow you to reflect and recharge. So you are stressed out and unproductive in life because you are trying to control everything. You're not meant for that. You're worrying about why you keep falling short on your dreams and desires. It's all because you're doing too much. You are taking on too much and you will fall short every time when you try to control everything. You won't enjoy anything. Chill out and relax and just live in the moment, man. Stop being distracted by the challenges of your life. It's only going to make you feel like you are a failure and not good enough. I need you to understand that you are enough. You just got to do enough and you will have enough. I need you to realize that most productive thing that you can do is chill out and relax. You keep waking up in fear every day because you're overwhelmed by the things that shouldn't be. You have anxiety every day thinking about what you got to face for that day. It's because you are dealing with too much that you don't need to be dealing with. I dare you to cut out half of the text messages you send and cut out half of the phone calls that you take a day and see how it would change your whole mood. I promise you it will. Replace that cell phone time with chilling out and relaxing. You will be amazed at what you will see about you. You will be amazed at what your vision is going to tell you. Chill out and relax. Get quiet. Silence comes with a whole bunch of answers. You have to quit worrying about your life and start doing life. If you chill out and relax, then you will see that your life is running right on schedule. I need you to realize that. I need you to understand that most people can't accomplish their dreams because they are afraid of being alone. They always got to have somebody around them to complete them. So you got to quit being distracted by attention. Quit worrying about why people don't call or come over. In order for God to make you great, he has to isolate you. I need you to understand that. Being alone has a power that comes with it. It gives you new mindsets and new ideas. If you want to restore your soul, chill out, relax, and spend the day with you. You will be amazed at what you will find out about you. People live life for 50 or 60 years and still don't know themselves. They don't know what they were put on this earth to do. They don't have a clue. When you learn how to chill out and relax, you will stop making time for unproductive stuff in your life. You will look at your value more. When you learn to chill out and relax, you will value your time more. Your energy will be restored. When you learn to chill out and relax, you will see that life challenges are not serious as you make it out to be. Your mind will put things in perspective. When you learn to chill out and relax, what you do in your leisure will manifest itself in your purpose. What you do in your leisure will determine how quick you will achieve your dreams and desires. You got to realize that you are the business of your life. You can't allow nobody or nothing to run it but you. You are independently owned and operated. Your success is all on you. So when I take the time to chill out and relax, it puts my mind in the position it needs to be in order for me to keep going. I have to allow myself to be charged and reboot. When I take the time to chill out and relax, it allows me to see things coming and not be blindsided by them. Because you got to understand that people and things will switch up on you in a blink of an eye. I've learned a long time ago not to chase my purpose, but chase God who gave me the purpose. There are so many answers to the questions you have about you and your life. You just got to chill out and relax, and the answers will come. You have to understand that it's important to keep pursuing your dreams and your purpose. The day you give up on your hopes and dreams is the day you die. Age doesn't have anything to do with it. Giving up does. If you give up on your dreams and purpose at 25 years old, that's the day you die. Even though you might not be physically buried until you're 75 years old, your life will have been dead for 50 years all because you gave up on your purpose at 25 years old. I'm going to leave you with this. Chill out and relax. Get you and your situation under control and know that it's under control. Concentrate on the important things in life. Once you've figured it out, then execute on them. Get rid of all the extra baggage in your life. It only brings on sadness without a cause. It's time for you to start enjoying your life. And choose your battles wisely because sometimes peace is better than trying to prove that you're right. Thanks for tuning in with Real Talk with Reginald D. If you enjoyed listening to Real Talk with Reginald D, please rate and review on Apple Podcasts. See you next time. 

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