Real Talk With Reginald D (Motivational Speeches/Inspirational Stories)

Have A Deeper Understanding Of God’s Word And Apply It To Your Life/Business With Psalms Path Consulting (Motivational Speech)

Reginald D. Sherman Season 2 Episode 100

On today's episode, Reginald D sits down with Rusty Roberts and Sean Murphy, the founders of Psalms Path Consulting.

Rusty and Sean share their inspiring stories of overcoming challenges and finding purpose through righteous desires. Their journey from despair to faith is truly remarkable.

Learn how their business, Psalms Path Consulting can transform your life, help you discover your purpose, and align with God's will. It's all about walking in faith and trusting in the Lord's plan for you.

Dive into the Scriptures, understand the power of God's Word, and see how it can guide you in your everyday life. Psalms Path is a roadmap to spiritual growth and fulfillment.

Don't miss this enlightening episode that will inspire you to walk in God's light and fulfill your divine purpose.

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Welcome to Real Talk with Reginald D. I'm your host, Reginald D. On today's episode, I have Rusty Roberts and Sean Murphy, the founders of Psalm's Paths Consulting. And today, one of the things we're going to talk about is how to have a deeper understanding of God's word so you can apply it to your business and personal life. Welcome to the show, fellas. Thank you, Reginald. Appreciate it. Thank you so much. Man, I'm telling you, it's definitely an honor to have you on the show. Definitely an honor. So can you share the story, what's behind the creation of Psalm's Path Consultant?

Absolutely. I'm actually the son of a stage four cancer survivor. I watched my mom live 12 years when no conventional doctor would give her but about 12 weeks. It was the most incredible medical miracle we had ever witnessed. So that changed the course of my mom's life, our family's life, and of course the life of countless other people. As we started sharing my mom's story, well, my dad started sharing that on the internet back in 2009. And I joined him in 2013 and we had this wonderful advocacy business helping people. My mom went down to Mexico. She was wheeled in in a wheelchair because the chemotherapy made her so weak, she couldn't walk. But two weeks later, Reginald, my mom walked out of that clinic, and she had no evidence of disease in her body. It was insanely awesome. We had never witnessed anything before like that, and we hadn't witnessed anything after it. It was truly a gift from the Lord Almighty. And so my dad started sharing a story, and I joined him sharing that story. We created one of the largest advocacy businesses from 2009 to 2019. But the Lord was stirring my wife's heart and my heart starting in 2017 to do something new, even though we were running an advocacy business, to do something new. And the Lord brought that into fruition in 2019 to open up a clinic, and that turned out in Scottsdale, Arizona. And that was to provide support for those people who are going through conventional therapy and also alternatives like IPT, low-dose chemo, and other types of alternative therapies to give people better outcomes and help them overcome a dreadful disease. It's been really, really wonderful. The reason we did that, and I know that the Lord laid it on our hearts, is we talked to thousands of cancer patients over the 10 years, and we found that 8 out of 10 didn't want to go to Mexico. They did that because they felt they didn't have a choice. And so, the Lord just laid it on our hearts. Hey, you're going to bring this up here. And I'd never owned a brick and mortar business. I'm not a doctor. And man, I've never even owned a lemonade stand. Just that advocacy business like that. So, the Lord wanted me to share how the Lord did that for me. And that was through the creation of righteous desires. We found that in the Scripture located in Psalms 37, 1-8, and we call it Psalm's Path. It's a journey. And the word path came from Psalm 24, I think verse 15. So, putting those together, it became Psalm's Path. And now with consulting, we're able to help countless other people learn what the Lord wants for them in their life, and help them obtain it. It's really a wonderful thing.

Man, that's amazing. God Almighty, man, that's amazing. I knew it was going to be good. Oh, it's good. It's real. Yeah, it's good already. So, what are the core principles of Psalm's path, and how do individuals deepen their understanding of God's Word? How do you work that?

So I think the best way that I can explain that to you, Reginald, is kind of walking through how I came into God's word and how I deepened my relationship with him and the understanding of it. And it was through a lot of trial and error in business. And when I mean trial and error, business would be good, but my life was a shambles. It was a complete wreck. From a divorce to one failed business and then launching a brand new one. and growing it from 2010 all the way through 2022. But during the entire time I was fretting a lot, I was having a lot of imposter syndrome. It's kind of the word that's thrown around a lot in the industry and business, but burnout, fatigue, high stress, just a lot of pressure on myself and a lot of damaging stories that I was telling myself about being a failed father, being a failed husband, even a failed business owner, because I lost one gym. And then even though I was succeeding in the areas of money and business and things of that nature, I just carried a lot of this, a lot of this heart and heaviness with me everywhere I went. And it didn't matter what the success that came about Reginald, I always felt like I just wasn't enough and always felt alone as well. And here I am, I'm a gym owner, and I'm surrounded by clients and coaches and you know, people all the time, but always felt alone. And the reason I felt alone is just because, again, of my own insecurities and whatnot. And I relied hard and heavy on mental and physical strength. I mean, I lived and breathed it. I coached it. That's what I taught everybody. But I'm here to tell everybody today, Reginald, that spiritual strength is where it's at. Because my physical strength, my mental strength failed me so much in fact that I tried to take my own life in 2017. And it was when I hit that wall that I knew something needed to change, man. I knew that I needed to change and I just didn't know where to look. I was brought up in a church home. So it wasn't like I didn't know who God was. It wasn't like I didn't know who Jesus Christ was or anything like that. But man, let me tell you, when I just got into entrepreneurship and I just started, you know, running, gunning with my own life, I fell for the ways of the world and I fell for my selfish pride and my ego and all the tempting things that look good, you know, look good along the way. But man, it was just. the road to disaster. So at any rate, it really came to full closure in 2020, Reginald. I'm still hitting the wall. Like I'm getting just enough success. We're rebounding after, you know, my suicide attempt in 2017. But in 2020, here comes COVID shutting everything down, shuts down the world, right? And here I am fretting all over again. I'm about to lose another gym. Like that's my only thought process is here we go. I'm going to lose another one. The economy of 2008 took my last business. Now it's going to be COVID that takes this one. So I'm fretting and I'm in a lot of fear and worry, and I'm trying to do this and trying to do that. And finally, out of just a fit of rage, a fit of rage, I'm just, I'm, I'm having it out with God in an empty gym. And I finally hit my knees and I said, aren't I doing things your way? Aren't I doing things the way that you want? And I just heard it loud and clear, no. And I said, well, I give it all to you. I'm done fighting. And then I hear the words, now you got it. All I wanted was you. The whole time, Reginald, that I thought I had to fix stuff, fix the errors of my ways from a divorce, fix a broken relationship with my son, what I thought was a broken relationship with my son, when I talked to him, he was like, dad, I always thought you were a great father. You were always there. We always had a good time. These were just my false stories that I was carrying with me for so long. It was Satan's stories to keep me in my misery, in my depression. But when I let it all go, when I dropped it at the feet of the cross, man, I got to tell you, the heavy burden just unfolded. Now, years of just searching through self-help books and coaching and mentorship, all this stuff, I was like, you know what? I need to start reading the Bible again. I'm going to just, I'm going to find answers in the Bible. And wouldn't, you know, original every answer I was looking for is in there. I mean, I'm finding answers about overcoming depression, anxiety. I'm finding the answers about what it means to be a man. Again, I'm finding answers like how to actually grow and establish a business. It's all in there. And so I started just sharing this message on my Facebook platform, and I started doing this really full heartedly in December of 2022. It was kind of a miracle in its own story, but I want to make sure that I'm answering your question before we kind of just jump all in, but Are all the answers in the Bible? I'm going to say yes. How do you find them? I'm going to tell you sometimes it's going to be in your pit. Like if you might have a listener here today, I don't know if this is speaking to anybody today. Somebody might be in their pit right now and they're like, why isn't God answering me? I'm praying hard. God doesn't seem to be responding. I can't hear his voice. I'm going to tell you that God is there. He's in your brokenness. He's close to the broken heart. I'm going to tell you that right now. But you are an error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. I'm going to tell the listener right now who's in that place, submit to Him. Surrender it all to Him. And I guarantee you, your heart's going to open up, your ears are going to open up, and you're going to be so much more receptive to hear what He has to say to you. I guarantee it.

Amen. Amen, brother. See, I told y'all, I told y'all it was about to go somewhere different. I felt it. I felt it. But here's the thing, Sean and Rusty, I was in the same place, man. I grew up with, you know, a bunch of pastors and preachers and things like that in my life, but I was doing life my own way. I knew God. I knew I was taught God, but I was kind of frustrated with life and trying to do them all the way, bullheaded and things like that, to a point I was suicidal. And the night before I was going to commit suicide, I walked in my bathroom and a voice spoke to me. It was God. He said, what are you going to do with all these people I got assigned to you that I am going to assign to you if you kill yourself? What are you going to do? What are they going to do? And it was crazy. And I was up for days, wasn't sleeping, wasn't doing anything, depression and all of that. When he spoke that into my life, I went into this deep sleep. And then when I woke up, I felt renewed. Now, all the people he's talking about, I'm looking at Reginald D's podcast right now, like top 1% in eight or nine countries, these are all these people he assigned me to. And if I did that to myself, these people would never heard my voice and what God had to do through me for them. So I really appreciate that story. I really, really appreciate that story.

Amen, brother. Amen. Well, thank you for sharing yours as well.

Yes, sir. We have multiple things in common as I too was going to commit suicide. Wow. Yeah. For me, it was, I made the clinic into an idol. And I made it straight up more important than the Lord. And when things weren't going my way, I needed a whole lot of money to take care of people. And so on my low day, I believe an evil spirit came to me and whispered in my ear, trying to steal the inheritance the Lord had for me, and to steal, kill, and destroy, right? That's it. But the Lord, it's funny, the Lord said to you, now you got it, right? I yielded it to the Lord. I yielded the outcome to the Lord and said, whenever happens, I need you to be my source of joy. And he said, yeah, you get it. And I've never forgotten it. Never forgotten it. Yeah. On those low days. Yeah.

Yeah. And the thing about it, what people have to realize, and I always tell people this, that no matter where you are in life or what you're trying to do, you are good enough because you were created by God and God don't create anything less than at the end of the day, you just got to stay focused, trust him and put in the work. That's right.

I have a prophetic word for your listeners today. When you're ready for me to share that, I'd love to share that. All right. This is what the Lord is saying to you today. God's ready and wants to press into you, to cause you to will something new. to acquire a new desire. He will increase your belief to match that will, so that you take certain actions to bring it into reality for His good purposes. This is going to be bigger than you think. It's going to be more than you ask of God. This is to glorify the Lord so that you bear much good fruit, because He wants to take you from Christian to being a disciple, lacking nothing, so that in the end, when the time is right, you're going to understand how everything, all things, are actually possible for those who believe. This is what the Lord has in store for you. So, for those of you who have been stuck or don't know what the Lord wants for your life, this is it. this is exactly what the Lord wanted for your life. So this is your prophetic word for today. So you don't need to take notes on that, as Sean and I actually have written this into Psalm's path book, because this is what the plan is for your life. This is what the Lord wanted for you. This is your prophetic word.

Amen. That's powerful.

It is. It'll change your life. It will. It'll change your life.

Yes, sir. So can you give me an example of how some past consultant has transformed someone's personal life?

I'll speak onto that one because it transformed my life. And Rusty shared this with me just about a year ago, Reginald. That's really why I'm here. And that's why me and Rusty are here together is because of this prophetic word and Psalm's path. In December of 2022, I decided I was done with the gyms. God just laid something bigger on my heart. He just said, it's time to close them. It's time to move on. And I didn't know what that looked like. I thought I was going to step into the marketing world, but What I did, Reginald, was in December 2022, I made one of these quick little one-minute reel videos, and it was the five Bible verses to help grow your business. It was dim light. There was no special effects. There was nothing special about this video. As a matter of fact, I was getting sick when I was recording it. Didn't know it at the time, but as soon as I launched it, the next day I had COVID. And it hit me so bad, Reginald, that I literally cannot look at my cell phone because the light, you know, was just glaring in my eyes. It would just give me a headache. So here I am for days, darn near a week, just kind of sobbing in my pillow. Now's not the time to be sick. I just closed my gyms. It's time to do work. Like all this fretting just kind of pouring in. But little did I know that that video was going viral in the background and following on Facebook. Went from 2,000 to well over 100,000 people in 28 days from that one video and that was a lesson for me Reginald that because you said it you said when we trust in the lord And we do our work like we put our head down and do the work Let me tell you something god will take the smallest thing and make it the biggest miracle I mean to me that was a big miracle in my life. Like here I am like I got to do work and guy's like, I've got you. You already did your work. You made this little video and I'm going to bring the audience to you or whatnot. So Rusty was one of the people that came from that audience. And so he reached out to me in February of the following year of 23. And because I had made this Facebook group and I attracted, I don't know, a little over a thousand people into this Facebook group, and I'm going to help the Christian entrepreneur or whatnot. And it was like, book your call with me, right? We're going to do a business analysis. We're going to see where I can come in and help you out with your marketing and sales. Well, Rusty books this call with me in the first words out of his mouth. I kid you not. I'm Rusty.

I don't need your help. And I'll go, well, what did you book this call for then? So I've just got to feel a little deflated here. But he says, I love what you're doing.

I see what you're doing on Facebook. You're walking Psalm's path. And I'm like, Psalm's path, what does that mean? What is that? What are you talking about? And what had been scheduled for a 30 minute call ends up being a three hour conversation as he is just discipling me on walking out a righteous desire on when we trust in God and we do the work like when we just follow him, we put it all into his will when we are aligned with his will and with his purpose and with his way. that when we take action on those things, man, he brings it to fruition. He's the one that brings the outcome. He's the one that brings the result. So he's discipling all these things over me. And then I'm realizing, oh my gosh, that is what I'm doing. That's exactly what happened here, you know, with this business and with this launch and all this stuff that I'm doing. So after he discipled that over me, I wrote it on my whiteboard, you know, I'm writing down Psalms 37, one through eight for anybody who wants to reference that. And, I'm literally reading every day, I'm praying over it, and I'm just still sharing the gospel, still sharing my life experiences on my Facebook wall. And I kid you not, Reginald, opportunity after opportunity after opportunity was literally handed to me. I wasn't out there searching for employment or anything like that, but I had people coming to me saying, I love what you're doing on Facebook. I want you to come into our coaching groups over here and I want you to share what you're doing with our clientele. We'll pay you to do that. I love what you're writing on your Facebook wall. We want you to write professionally for our newsletter. We'll pay you for that. I love the videos that you're making. Can you come into our coaching group and teach others how to make their own videos for their marketing and stuff? We'll pay you for that.

And I'm just like, okay, God, you've got my full attention here. I'm here. I'm with you.

Like, let's go. Cause I'm getting to do what I love. I love content creation. That's what I love to do. And so a year passes by and Rusty then comes, you know, just full fledged. And he's like, you know what? It's been laid on my heart. We're going to teach this to other people. I wrote a book. We're going to launch psalms path consultant where we'll walk them through step by step exactly what it means to step into a righteous desire exactly what it means to Answer the call from god and the purpose that he has in their lives And how you can step into it fully and trust with him with the outcome And so that's why we're here and it's been the biggest blessing in my life reginald You talk about living in godly freedom when you could do what you love and you could serve people, and you know that you're honoring God in the process with all of it, there's no greater reward on earth, man. There's just no greater lifestyle.

That's an amazing story. Because here's the thing with me. I think a lot of times when I was growing up, you know, church and all the time, because that's all we did. And I would see people in church go to church, and the pastor would preach a sermon, and then they would shout all over the church. But they would walk back out their door, and then they'd lose their life. And I didn't understand that as a kid. And some people talk, some religions, that's why I don't talk about religion. I'm not religious. I'm kingdom. And I think that's what you guys are. It's a big difference. So religion keeps people in bondage. And you actually have people who are Christian. The study of Christians think you don't supposed to be prosperous. I think you're not supposed to make it, but if you're a child of the king, then you should act like it and you should live like it at the end of the day, right? Amen, brother. So how can people understand and apply the biblical principles through Psalm's path impact their business?

If I may, I'd love to do this. Psalm's path is—we're all baptized, so those listeners that are listening, you've been baptized, I'm sure, so when they say, die with Christ, be raised, and walk a new life, what is that new life? What is it, right? And pastors, unfortunately, across the country aren't talking about what that new life is. Psalm's path is that new life. This is a prophetic word that was uttered into the church from King David. And the Lord, I don't know, I just saw it one day and was like, hey, when you delight in the Lord, he'll give you desires. And then he says, when you trust to commit, he'll bring it to pass. I like to win, Reginald, I really do. I like to win. And I was like, wait a second, if I acquire a righteous desire from God, he will guarantee me the outcome. Right? You think about that, right? You think about the confidence that it will give you. Think about the confidence that will give you in business. How many of us are afraid? We're afraid to take chances. We're afraid that we may fail. But when you apply, a righteous desire, when you have a righteous desire that's coupled together with your business or just your life in general, the Lord's guaranteeing you that you will see this. And I started reading, for clarity, I started reading the verses before Psalm 37. And then the verses after, and it eventually became Psalm 37, one through eight, which starts with do not fret and ends with a double do not fret. So I knew this is a complete journey. This is a path. Then I needed to understand what the Lord really wanted from me was in James chapter four, verses one through three. He says, I'm going to give you your desires. But over in James, he says, your desires get people killed. And I'm like, well, they can't be the same desires now, can they? So the Lord opened up a journey for me to learn what the criteria is for righteous desire. And when you apply that, now once you understand the criteria of righteous desire, you'll understand how the Lord works. You'll understand Jesus did the same thing, didn't he? He did that. You can see Jesus, these were righteous desires that Jesus want. No wonder he got everything he wanted. because he has only walked in righteous desires. When you walk in these desires from God, you will always get a yes. You may get a not today or not that way, but you always get a yes. This guarantees you will win. And it was enough for me when the Lord gave me the righteous desire to open the clinic, and I knew it. I claimed it, and I knew it, and I took formidable risks, huge risks, formidable opposition like you wouldn't even imagine, and we won. We succeeded because you cannot stop a righteous desire from coming into a partition. So much that in Mark 9 23, Jesus is saying that all things are possible. How many of us actually believe that? When you believe all things are possible, but we're not seeing that in our lives. Psalms path is the foundation to give you the belief that God could move mountains on your behalf. There will be no stopping you. It's absolutely incredible there will be no stopping you. You will live an elevated life guaranteed above your own natural abilities. That's the purpose of a righteous desire, because the last criteria is You won't have the natural ability to bring it into reality. It must be God who does it for you. It's really, really cool. The Lord does it for you. It doesn't matter who's against you. It will never matter who's against you or what odds are against you. When the Lord gives you a righteous desire and you apply the five criteria, and you know you're operating in a righteous desire, there'll be no stopping it. In fact, you'll see that in Psalm 37 verse 5, I think, or 6, verse 6, where he says, you'll make your righteousness shine like the dawn and your vindication like the noonday. Well, I learned what that meant. It means the shadow of doubt. At noonday, the shadows are at their smallest, right? Because the sun is directly overhead. Your shadow doubt will be at the most minimal, meaning those people who were your naysayers, they're going to shake your hand and tell you they didn't know you could do it. There's your vindication. And that's exactly what happened to me. People that I loved and cared about told me I was nuts. And under normal human circumstances, they were right. But they had no idea that I was operating in a righteous desire, and it would never be stopped. And he continues to fight for it today, even though we may have opposition here and there, we always overcome. This is what Psalms Path, why we shared this, wrote this book, and do this consulting because, by God, we want our brothers and sisters living in godly freedom, elevated in every aspect of their life, glorifying the Lord, and so that when they go on to our Heavenly Father, they are told, well done, my good and faithful servant, and there'll be nothing to stop them. Does that make sense, Reginald?

That makes a lot of sense, because it's simple, You know, like I said, I grew up in a generation of pastors and preachers. I've heard hundreds of sermons. We used to go to church three times on Sunday sometimes. But I've heard so many sermons, but two resonated with me. The title was, I Don't Have Anywhere Else to Go. And then the second one was, I Must See Wrong. And I always tell the story. Because when you figure out you don't have anywhere else to go, but the path that God has for you, then you have to see wrong. Now, Paul went on this journey of the wrong, and he had a tough journey getting there, right? You know, shipwrecked, you know, bitten by a snake, venomous snake, and things like that. And he asked God through his whole journey, he faced his challenges, and he said, I can't do this. And God said, be of good courage. You must see wrong, because at the end of the day, everybody has a wrong in their life. Everybody has a destiny they got to get to, regardless of what you're facing or what you're going through. He spoke it. He said, you must see it. No matter what you're going through, you must see it. I got this place for you, this room in your life that I got to get you to. And that just carried me for the rest of my life. I know I got a room to get to, and I'm fighting every day to get to it.

Amen. We want our brothers and sisters walking in the true path that the Lord wanted for their life. And we know that 99% of them are not doing that. I spoke to a very large church out here, at least to one of the associate pastors, over 100,000 members, and he says predominantly people don't know what their higher calling is. And it's like, well, why aren't you teaching it to them, right? Why aren't you teaching it? And when I discipled him over with Psalms Path, he said he did not know, nor did any of the other pastors there know this, which we need to change that. And that's what Psalms Path, we give this book away because there should be no barrier between us and the Lord's higher calling for any of our brothers and sisters. So we give it away.

Yeah, absolutely. Man, that's a blessing. That's truly a blessing. Now, here's the key. How does somebody stay motivated and inspired in their life when they're facing difficulties in their lives and their careers?

Yeah. I know how I do it. I know how I do it. Shall I go first, John, and then you share yours?

No, you go forward, and then I'll chime in. I'll fill in any missed blanks.

OK. I get this all in my GoJuice. from being inside of a righteous desire, but it boils down to this for me. The parable of the men is, Luke 19, what is that, 11 through 27, something like that, or 20. The parable of the men is, this shows that none of this matters. In Isaiah 65, 17, we're not even going to remember this place. So what am I all upset for? None of the former things will come to mind. So don't get upset. This will be the renewing of your mind. Sure, we have emotions, but I know in my heart that when I get to the kingdom of heaven and we move into everlasting, I'm not going to remember this place. I'm here for the king's glory. That's who I'm here for. And in the parable of the menace, Jesus clearly explains this. We are here to operate in the spirit. We are given a portion of his spirit. Doesn't matter if you owned a boat or didn't own a boat or someone took away your birthday and, you know, made fun of you or something, or you lost a business or whatever. It is not good. None of this is going to matter. Did you operate in the Spirit, and what did you do with His Spirit is what will matter. We are here to work. Otherwise, the Lord could have just planted us straight in heaven. We are here to do a good work and be good servants of our King. And in doing so, well, if you operate in the Spirit and you multiply the Spirit, well done. Take possession of ten cities. So no matter what I do here, it's a small matter, Regin. It's a small matter, 60, 80, 100 years. I'm going to be in his kingdom for 100 trillion, trillion years, right? Who's going to remember this place? So why in the world should I ever be defeated? Well, I am a victor immediately as soon as I died and rose again to walk a new life with our Lord through Jesus Christ. Each and every one of our brothers and sisters need to understand, and not just read the Scriptures, know them. Like Sean said earlier, Jesus said the cause of any one of your problems is because you don't know the Scriptures. And when you do, See the power of God in your life. This is why we're here. We are here to be good and faithful servants. So something bad happens to you, the Lord Jesus already said it would happen. What are you surprised about, right? Go forth and do what the Lord has called you to do. That's why I get up every day, and I don't worry about those simple things. and I can take upon huge challenges, and my brother comes to me and goes, I don't know how you do that. It's because I don't worry about these things. I know I'm inside of a righteous desire, and I don't worry about those challenges. I already have a solution to every one of my challenges, and so does our brothers and sisters when they know the Scriptures.

Yeah, I completely agree with everything Russi is saying, but I could tell you that Kind of wonder if any of your listeners are right now are saying, yeah, but you don't understand my situation. You don't understand my circumstance. You know, you don't understand where I'm at. And trust me, those were the same stories. And those were the same things that I would say all the time. You don't get it. You don't understand. They don't appreciate me, you know, all those kind of things. Right. So it could be very hard to kind of look at the positive side of life. Right. Whenever you are stuck and struggling when you are in that dark place in a dark area. But let me just invite this outlook for anybody who's in that place is that this is exactly what Satan wants you to focus on. He wants you to focus on your misery. He wants you to focus on your situation. He wants you to focus on your problems. He wants you to focus on even what you're lacking in your life. And this is why Psalm 37, one through eight starts with do not fret and ends with do not fret for it only leads to evil. And this goes all the way back. to the Garden of Eden. I mean, I had been fretting for so long in my own life, Reginald. That's why I did try to take my own life. That's how I ended up in handcuffs. That's how I ended up in the hospital, was because I had been fretting over small things. I mean, when I look back on it, I was like, those things didn't even matter. So that's where I really agree with Rusty at. But this fretting, this focus on the lack goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. Whenever Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent, they were surrounded by abundance. They had every fruit of every tree of every plant. They had everything that they could. They were living in paradise. I mean, come on. They were walking with God in the garden. They were in paradise. They had everything. They lacked nothing except One tree that God said, don't eat from. But Satan got them to look beyond all their abundance, to look beyond everything that they were given and focus, there's the key word, focus on the one thing that they lacked. Right. And now we know the day from the tree because they were just so focused on the one thing they lacked. And once they partook of it, well, guess what happened now here comes to downfall. Now they lack even more like then now they were stripped of so much, right? The same thing happens in our own lives. When we focus on what we lack, man, we just keep attracting that same misery and damnation into our lives. We really do. But when we can focus on God's goodness and his glory and his righteousness and everything that he wants for us, that he literally has for us, all he's asking for us is a relationship. Reginald, you said it, you hammered it. When you said religion keeps people in bondage, it absolutely does. And let me say that religion can come in many, many, many forms. The religion could be our own idols. It could be our own problems. It could be our own circumstances. We can make those things into an idol as soon as we start labeling them, right? That'll separate us from God in his glory. We can't put any idols in front of him. So as soon as we can learn to let go, this is what happened for me when I submitted to my knees and I laid it at the cross. I gave him all my idols. I gave him all my problems. I gave him everything. And he redeemed me. Now it took time. It took time for renewing of my mind. But let me tell you something, my heart, my soul, I was cleansed in that very moment, which is just powerful. So if there's anybody listening that maybe it's time to hit the knees, maybe it's time to surrender. Maybe it's time for repentance. Maybe it's time for a clean slate. That's going to be the first step. That is spiritual healing is always Always, always, always, always, always the first step. I want people to know that. So yeah, yeah.

I could keep going and going and going. I'm not a preacher, so I'm not going to keep going. But I love it.

Can I jump onto that real quick? Please. Entrepreneurs, your situation may be very, very unique, but your way out of it isn't. Come on. Your way out of it is not unique. Your way out is, Lord, And there's very, very specific scriptures, wouldn't you say, Sean? Oh, yeah. Very specific scriptures you need to know. And that's what we put in Psalms Path. That's what we help people do. Reginald, the important thing for people to really understand is righteous desires are absolutely where it's at. But righteous desires are above your ability to bring into reality. They're above your natural capabilities. That's why the Lord bracketed it with severe warnings. Do not fret, because you'll want it so bad you'll walk out into the middle of the desert with no provisions to go get it. And Satan knows it's there. He knows what you're going to be able to do, and he wants to stop it. So lots of fretting can happen. Sean and I are experts. at helping people navigate that so that they don't fret. Because fretting to fret is the number one threat, isn't it, Sean? 100%. So I just wanted to add that.

Thank you, Reggie. Yes, sir. And I always tell people a lot of times that we allow the simplest things to derail us in life. Amen. You have people in life, everybody's not going to care for you. Everybody's not going to like what you're doing. But at the end of the day, I feel, and this is the way I feel, is that in my kingdom walk, my kingdom walk has power. And when I walk in kingdom business and what God has really assigned me to do, you don't have to care about me at the end of the day, but you're going to respect this anointing that's on my life. You're going to respect it regardless of what you feel about me. You're going to be like, there's something about that guy. I got to respect him even though I don't like him. But it's the God in me that resonates and shows you and gives off that power. Man, I've been so, I've been places so many times and I walked in a building and people's like, there's something about that guy. Never met people in my life. It's like, it's something about him. I feel it. And it's just the power of God on you. And when you walk in it every single day, it's going to be game changing for your life. Trust me.

Amen. Reginald, that's the entire purpose behind all of it. And we can find it in John chapter 15, where Jesus talks about remaining in the vine. But the whole purpose of it is to bring our Father in heaven the glory. We're not here to boast. We're not here to boast about anything that we've done. We're not here to boast about this book, Saul's Bath, or any of it. We're here to boast about His goodness and what He has done. This is why Rusty says you won't bring it to pass. You're not going to bring it to pass. He will bring it to pass because he deserves all the glory and all the honor with it. We're just humble servants here, you know, who want to share this message, showing ourselves to be disciples. That's really everybody's calling. Like it really, when you talk about your purpose, like what is God's purpose for me? That's really it. Bring your Father in heaven, glory and honor, showing yourself to be a disciple. Now we all have different gifts. We all have different skills. We all have a different way of doing this. That's where we kind of help people discover that that's where we come in and help you Like if you might have a listener going right now, like, okay, i'm bought in i'm excited Like let's go like what you know, what's kind of the first step right? Like that is really the first step is Tapping in have some prayer time have some prayer time to discover your purpose again Psalm 37 4 says delight yourself in the lord that word delight means spend time with the lord Spend it in worship, spend it in prayer, spend it in meditation, spend time with the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Once He lays it on you, you might look up and you might be like, really?

Like, that's my calling? That's what you want me to do?

That was, you know, Rusty's story with Brio Medical, right? My story was a little bit different. I was just like, okay, I'm drawn to online ministry, but I had this idea. I'm going to do this for marketing. Uh-uh. That was not God's plan.

He took it and turned it upside down and turn it around.

And he said, no, he's like, Jeremiah 29, 11 doesn't say, I know the plans you have for, you know, he says, for I know the plans I have for you.


He took mine and he uh, he turned it all around for me and to god be the glory for all of that So, but that's really the whole reason that he gives us these righteous desires, um reginal and that's why people see you and see your light is because You're walking in his glory. You're walking in his light and the closer that we draw near to him the closer that we Imitate him and his goodness paul writes about that all the time, right? The more that we do that, the more our light shines, and it cannot be denied. People will take notice. Whether they want to reject it or not, that's still a decision, but people will take notice.

Yes, because the beauty about God and about Christ When you run into somebody, you will say something to somebody very different than what you would say to another person, depends on the circumstance. I was talking to somebody one day, and he was going on about his life, and I knew he knew God. I knew he had, you know, he's seeking God and things like that, but he's in his own way. And he was talking about, man, I'm trying to do this, and I'm waiting on God for this, and I'm waiting on God for this. I said, man, I said, God ain't doing nothing else. That's on the cross. He said, it's finished. I said, it's on you now. You know, I had to use it that way. But he took it. He took it. And he's like, you know what, you're right. But all the while, I knew God going to be there. He's going to do this. But I had to put him in that mindset that you in the way. So you got to put in the work. You join hands with Christ. You got to work together.

at the end of the day. We use the term co-creation, don't we, Sean? Absolutely. To be co-creators. We don't bring these righteous desires to pass, but it's through our actions, our walk with the Lord. That's our side of being a co-creator. And the Lord will make those circumstances happen to bring these righteous desires. When you get one, you need to know the criteria of what constitutes a righteous desire. We share that in the book. And the Lord says, test all things, hold fast what is good over in 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 20, I think, right? So once you believe, once you have this new desire, you need to test it, and you need to hold fast what is good, and righteous desires are good. And Therefore, it'll change your life. And that was the Lord's design. We actually, Sean and I, came to this conclusion that Jesus has never stopped fishing, as righteous desires are the best bait on the planet to give you something you want. bigger than you think and more than you ask for. Is there any better bait than that? And the purpose of giving it to you is so that you bear good spiritual fruit and you become a disciple of God. There is no bigger purpose in your life. Last chapter of Matthew spelled it out. Go make disciples of all the nations. He's still out there fishing for men and making disciples. And John and I, we just gobbled up on that bait. We love it. We love it. And now we're just simply sharing that. We're simply sharing it. And people need to know the Scriptures. They need to see the power of God in their lives. And they will literally change the world around them, just like you, Reginald, that have you have done. As you said earlier, how many people's lives have you touched because you didn't take your life? Right? How many people have you—these people out here, every brother and sister, take up on it. Get your free copy of Psalm's Path. Right, Sean? Get it. And read the Scriptures, know the Scriptures, write the Scriptures down, and then go straight to the Bible. Right? You won't need Psalm's Path anymore. You'll be able to go straight to the Bible for it. What a wonderful gift the Lord has given us with Jesus, His Holy Spirit, and His written Word. Trinity of amazing gifts that we should always be thankful for, even on our darkest days.

Amen. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Amen. Amen. So I picked up on something here. Yes, sir. Let me ask the question this way. How does Psalm's path influence your everyday faith and understanding of God's Word? Because I feel like it's keeping you going to the next level, to the next level, and to the next level. I think this is not something that you created and this is where you guys are. I feel like you're constantly moving, you're constantly going to do greater and greater things. How does that give you the faith every day. You get up every morning, but, hey man, we're going, we're moving forward.

We're going higher. It is fun and it's exciting. The Lord didn't create us to be bored. We're not bored. Let me give you what, it's funny, my oldest son, he wanted to create an online apparel company, give away dirt bikes and UTVs, things like that to incentivize people to buy shirts, hats, whatever, from him online. And I'm like, okay, that's pretty cool. Let's claim that as a righteous desire. Well, at the time we claimed it, Reginald, it wasn't a righteous desire, it was just a gambling website to sprinkle jinxes on, right? But we knew that. And what did we do? We applied Proverbs 3, 5 through 6, where he says, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and all your ways acknowledge him, he'll direct your paths. So what happened? I want to do a t-shirt, hat company, empirical company with my son. A year later, Not less than a year, it was about seven months later, the Lord directed my paths to put that on hold for a little while, write Psalms Path. That's what he wanted. And then those people, I'm gonna give it to you, I'm gonna sell shirts and hats to wonderful brothers and sisters who are walking Psalms Path. That's the fun things that the Lord brings into our lives. It's a wonderful book, it was a pleasure writing it, and we live it. This isn't something that we tell others to do, and we don't do it ourselves. I despise those people. This is who we truly are. And the Lord does wonderful things for us. When you understand what a righteous desire is, then you can start asking for it. That's a strategy in the book. My wife and I, we asked for it for two years. Two years. The longer the wait, the bigger the desire most likely will be. And the desire he put inside of us was absolutely generational life-changing. Generational life-changing. As right now, we are in the beginnings of working with a new chief medical officer. He's the best of the business. He teaches other doctors. Why don't we teach other doctors to become integrative And then they come to us, we teach them to be integrated, then we send them out to their prospective states and so forth, and they go home. And then when the cancer patient comes to us and we treat them, they have an integrative doctor to go back to, to continue their care. Well, you know what we're doing? We're laying the foundation to change the medical model in the United States. I didn't know. I'm not a doctor, but I get to do that. Yes, I do. I do get to do that. Oh, and I get to sell hats and shirts, and I get to consult with people, see what the Lord will do when you're walking in righteous desires. He connects you with other wonderful people and new ideas the Lord never, never, ever, ever underestimate. the imagination of our Lord Almighty God who can look into a black abyss and envision hippopotamuses and dinosaurs and caterpillars turning into butterflies. You have no idea what our Lord will do for you. And when you're on your deathbed, and we all will be one day if the Lord doesn't take us home soon, you won't regret a thing you did. You will not regret a thing you did. And by God, that's one of the largest fears that people have on their deathbed, is all the regrets they had. But it was because they were too afraid to take the steps. And we're not like super brave people, are we, Sean? The Lord gives us that. He gives us that belief.

Let me touch on that, because that brings up a really, really good point, Rusty. It's like, well, I had this calling on my heart, but I don't know how it's going to get done. And a lot of that is the lack of confidence, the lack of courage. I share this a lot with our coaching members, is that a lot of times when we're stepping into something new, we think that we're going to be inspired and we're going to be motivated. And we're like, I've got this. But that's not it at all. The first thing that actually comes on is imposter syndrome. I can't do that. I'm not good enough to do that, right? These are all those inadequacies that come about. I mean, Gideon, look at Gideon's story. You know, you really want me to... I'm not qualified to do that. I mean, all these men that the Lord used throughout the Bible, we see that. I think King David is the only one that was just like, I'm going to run at Goliath. I'm going to chop his head off. I think he's the only one that had the confidence. But why? Because he trained. He was always in training, right? So he had that confidence to his training, but I digress. For the person who's like got this huge call and they're like, I don't know how this is going to come to be. I would suggest this draw near to the Lord. I got to tell you, Reginald, like I used to look at religion in the church as it's a bunch of rules. It's a bunch of guidelines. It's just stuff to keep me suppressed and held down. Right today. I realize this is a love letter, right? This is full of god's precepts It's full of his principles. It's full of his promises. It's full of his prophecies And it's all for his people And he breaks none of them He doesn't break his promises and break his principles and he does not break his people either as a matter of fact He continues to build us up He continues to grow us. He continues to mature us. He continues to complete us. So we don't lack anything. I love that process. I love the growth. I come from a strength and conditioning background, right? I love being in the gym, breaking the muscles down and getting stronger under the barbell and all that. Well, let me tell you, When I get to be in the word and I see what he's actually doing through my trials and hardships and even in business and the challenges there, I'm like, oh, I get it.

I get this challenge. I get this hardship. I might be a little bit of a sadist or masochist on this, but I kind of enjoy it now where I used to hate it.

I used to be like, why are you doing this to me? But today I'm like, ooh, I get it. I get what you're doing because I can't wait to see what's on the other side. It's kind of like when I was training for Strongman, I can't wait to see what all this training did for me in competition. I can't wait to see what all this has done in my business. I can't wait to see what all this hard work, what kind of fruit this is going to produce. I love being in the scripture. I love my fellowship with my brothers and sisters. I love this. And I just can't wait to see what God is going to, what he has in store. It's the journey for me that I just love. And so, yeah, that's why we're here. We're having fun with it. And we can even have fun during the hard times because it's not really the hard times when we can lean on God. And in our weak moments, we can rely on his strength. And know that he wants the best for us. And I say that a couple of times. My favorite scripture is Matthew 7-11. I'll share a reason why. I have a son. He's 26 years old now. When he was born, he weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces. So Matthew 7-11 says this. If you then though you are evil talk about you and I Know how to give good gifts to your children How much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him? Our father god wants to give us these gifts and he has given us many gifts I mean he gave us the number one gift, which is our lord and savior. Jesus christ i'm talking too fast jesus christ, but What about your skills? What about the talents? What about? All the special blessings that he's bestowed into your life. These are gifts. And we are called to be good stewards with these gifts, right? We're to be good stewards with our talents, with our time, with our treasures. I mean, with all of these things, right? So if we're not managing well, if we're not doing them, it goes back to the parable that Rusty shared earlier about the 10 minus. We need to be very careful about what are we doing with our time? What are we doing? Rusty says this all the time. Don't waste the weight. Your friend that you were just speaking over Reginald, where he said, you know, I'm waiting on God. Like a lot of times we're waiting on the God. No God's, you know, he's in the game. He's waiting for you to step on the field and get a game. He's, you got to get off the sidelines, right? Get into game, have some fun, take the hits. It's okay to take a hit every once in a while. It's okay. He's gotcha. All right. So that's where I'm at with it, man. God's got gifts waiting for the other side, but he's always in a storm with you too. And that's another point. Like he's in the boat during the storm, he's on the field playing with you. He's not just waiting on the other side saying I'm over here. Come, you know, I'll be over here waiting for you, whatever you get done. No, he's right in the middle of it with you. So if you are in a storm, if you are in a hardship, we're not making light of your situation. What we're saying, it's fun. And you know, these hard times, so they'll pass. We're not making light of anybody's situation. I want to make that very clear because I know what it's like to not get out of bed in the morning. not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, not wanting to face another day, not going into another year saying, I can't take this anymore. I know those feelings, but I also know the power, the restoration, the power of God today is love and his gifts for his children. So every day is a gift.

I guess I'm going to add on to that, Sean, is for Reginald, we consult with Christian entrepreneurs. And I'm going to give you a little, because I know we're running out of time. Let me give you a little test about our taste of what we do that you're not likely to hear from other people. The reason that you're being held back is because everyone's telling you to believe in yourself. We don't teach you to believe in yourself. That's what causes you all sorts of problems. The Lord never said, believe in yourself. He said, believe in me. Everything changes when you ditch the worldly advice they're giving you. You are never to believe in yourself. You have failed yourself. You know, you're not good enough. You know, you're not strong enough. You know, you're not smart enough. You know, you're not good looking enough. You know, you're not, you know, you're not, you know, you're not. So you're not going to magically, I got this new challenge or this new course, and I'm going to believe in myself. That's total horse crap. No, you're not. And you know it. Here's what you need to do. Scrap trying to believe in yourself. Start believing in the Lord. Start writing checks on his promises that he gives you, because he gives you a lot of them. And when the creator of the universe gives you a promise, you can take it to the bank. You may not be able to take it to the bank the day you want to, but you can take it to the bank. So start believing in our Creator, our Heavenly Father, who loves you enough to die for you. He wants to give you righteous desires to elevate you. Start believing in that. That's the first thing. That's the first thing you should start believing in, that the Lord wants to give you a righteous desire. That's where it starts. And Little by little, that's what we coach people for, to not fret because you're operating in the Spirit. It's going to be above you and beyond you. You're going to be operating in the Spirit. But guess what? You're finally working in the plan that the Lord had for you in your life the second you became saved. So Sean and I, we're experts at that. We're national experts at doing that because not only do we understand it, but we lived it. We lived every bit of it. So Psalm's path, I've lived every verse. And so as Sean, we lived every verse. So not only do we understand it, but we also have experience with it.

That's awesome. Cause here's the thing I really believe. Once our time is up and we've gone and transitioned to the other side, we still don't die here. what we've done for the kingdom and our legacy still gonna live. Still gonna live. Through somebody else or who carries it on or what have you. Because I always say this, if you don't walk in what God has for you, and the calling he has on your life, and walk into your gifts, because they say your gifts gonna make room for you. So gifts gonna walk you into greatness. Gifts are gonna take you to another level that God has for you. and your legacy is gonna live on. You may rest in peace or your legacy will rust in peace. It's up to you. Boom.

That's a powerful word, Reginald. I love that. I love that. Speaking of your gifts, if you go to Proverbs chapter 18, verse 16, I love this. A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers them into the presence of the great. We all have a gift. You never know when you utilize your gifts, whose greatness you're gonna step into next, what doors that's gonna open, what doors that's gonna reveal. But I will promise you this, when you exercise your God-given gifts, you are ushered into his presence every day. You are ushered in and he's got you. That's why he'll bring it to pass.

That's it. So let me ask you another question. What resources or tools do you offer to help individuals get started with the Sloan Path Consultant?

Russ, you want me to take that one?

Yeah, go ahead, Sean.

Do it. Yeah, so for everybody out there, you can get the free book that we have, the Psalms Path. It's actually a workbook. It's not an e-book. It's a workbook. It'll actually guide you through some different exercises and lessons and whatnot. But you could go to and you could grab that book right now. Along with like kind of the consultations that we do with our clients, you know, obviously we do a lot of one-on-one direct coaching with people, you know, really walk them through their struggles, their fret, you know, what are some of the bottlenecks that are going on in their businesses. It's really a process is individualized to each person, but we have these really cool tools as well that we call stacks where we can have these breakthroughs. And we can have, it's kind of a lesson plan. It's a series of questions. It's almost like counseling in a way, if you want to think of it that way. But it really helps you to really see what the problem is. And it give you a new insight, give you a new perspective, give you a new frame that's around it. Because all our stories have a frame around it. Like, You know, I had these stories all I'll just use this one as an example. I'm a bad father. Like that was my story. I had a frame. The frame that was around it was I'm divorced. I don't get to spend a whole lot of time with him. I missed his very last baseball game that he ever played. I remember pulling into the parking lot as the game was in. And I remember the look of disappointment on his face. He was eight years old at the time. And I just remember and I held on to that original and I held on to that feeling for decades, like nearly two decades. These are the stories that I put this frame around. I'm a bad father. And I'll tell you, it wasn't business failure. It wasn't a divorce. It wasn't money issues. It wasn't relationship problems. And I had many, many, many failed relationships and whatnot. It wasn't fights. It wasn't even anger towards myself. It was that one story of I'm a failed father that literally wanted me to end my life, that I tried to commit suicide. And when I was arrested and I was thrown in a hospital, they gave me the choice. We can either take you to jail. It was a Friday night. They said, we can either take you to jail and you'll spend a weekend in jail. You'll face a judge on Monday, and he's going to tell you to go to a hospital or you can self-check in the hospital tonight. And I told him, well, I'll self-check in. And I was allowed phone calls. I wasn't allowed visitors or anything like that, but I was allowed phone calls. And I remember, of course, I'm calling my family and I called my son because I had a man up and I had to have this conversation with him. I said, son, I'm so sorry for being a bad father. And he said, what are you talking about? What do you why? Why? Why are you saying that? And I'm like, well, because of this and because of that. And I'm telling him all the stories. He said, dad, I never thought that way about you. I always thought you were a great dad. You always made time for me. We always had a great time together. And so he had a different story. He had his frame around his story. So what I learned in that moment was my stories are BS. My stories are BS, and these stories are the things that caused me to take this horrific action. And what if I had been successful in that, Reginald? You shared that earlier about your own story. The impact that you have here with your show, with your listeners, is so profound today. The enemy knew that this was your assignment. Well, the enemy knew that my assignment today was going to be with Psalms Path Consulting, with Rusty, getting on your show and bringing this message to your listeners. What if I had been successful back then? None of this would have been brought to pass. Right, so we got to look at our stories. We got to look at what is going on And we got to look at maybe somebody else's perspective if you're selling yourself. I'm a bad father What do your children have to say? Is that really the true story or is that a lie that satan is feeding you? And how are these lies disrupting your relationships? How are these lies disrupting your business? How are these lies disrupting your personal life? Right. So that's one of the things that we do is we just look deep into what are these stories that are going on with you. And I'll tell you what, we have an amazing process that we call the resolve root stack. And the reason that we call that directional is because in order to change the fruit, we got to get to the deep rooted problem. Okay. And so what I like to do for your listeners, if I could be so inclined to, is I would like to gift them one of these stacks that they could go through. Let's say it is somebody that is just up against a wall right now. They are just angry. They are frustrated. They are just They want to get it out. I want to gift them this stack that will walk them through this process of exactly what I just laid out here. And they could get it absolutely free. We normally charge for this. OK, I want to make that very clear that we normally charge our clients to have access to this. We've had a wonderful time on here. We've gone, I think, about an hour here with you, my man. So I just want to gift this to your listeners. If they will go to Instagram, this is going to be the best way to get a hold of it. Go to Instagram and look up Psalms Path. Just one word, no breaks, no special characters, anything like that. You'll see my name on there, Sean Murphy, and just DM me the word Root24. And I'll send you the software. I'll even send you a little mini course of how it works so you can walk on through it. And you'll even see a live training with one of our clients going through it. So it takes all the guesswork out of this. But we want to get this power into your hands so that you can start having your own breakthrough. Overcome your limiting beliefs. Overcome the strongholds that Satan has you on today and start reframing your story so that you really can step into your purpose. You can really step into your true calling and that you can really step into what God has already promised for you in your life. So again, go to Instagram, look up Psalm's Path. You'll see my name on there. Just DM me and say, hook me up with Root24. I listen to your original show and I want the hookup and we'll make sure that we get that into your hands. And again, everybody, you know, can go to Psalm' and download the workbook.

So. But that's how all our listeners can connect with you.

Yeah, absolutely. Okay.

Absolutely. We'll give them the free e-workbook. We'll give them the free stack to help them start breaking those lies that may have built a stronghold. And I want to leave them with a verse, Proverbs 13, 20, he who walks with wise men will be wise. That's what happens. So come walk with us. We're going to show you a new path, the path the Lord wanted you to take in the first place. That sounds bad.

Yeah. Yes, sir. There you have it. Rusty Roberts and Sean Murphy. Psalm's Path Consulting. Brothers, man, this has been real. I am so excited of the lives you're going to change and generations that you're going to change in what you're doing. This is powerful stuff. 

I want to offer you, come on and get a free copy of that book for yourself. Check it out. I'd love to talk with you about it, too. Get your thoughts and so forth about it. 

OK. I'll definitely do that. I'll definitely do that. All right, brothers. Blessings. Really appreciate you stopping by on your busy schedule to hang out with me for a minute. And it's really been a blessing, man. I'm going to sleep good tonight on this. 

Blessings to you, too, Reginald. Thank you so much for having us on. God bless all your listeners as well. All right. Thank you. 

Thank you. A lot of fun. Thank you. Yes, sir. Thank you. Thank you for tuning in to Real Talk with Reginald D. If you enjoyed the show, please share with anyone you feel that needs to take this journey with us on being a better you. See you next time. 


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