Real Talk With Reginald D (Motivational Speeches/Inspirational Stories)

Motivational Coaching Q&A Segment: Addressing Fear When You're Afraid Of Change (Motivational Speech)

Reginald D. Sherman Season 2 Episode 98

Reginald D continues to address a listener's question: I'm stuck in a dead-end job, but I'm afraid of change (Part 2).  How can I overcome this fear so I can find a better job and make more money?" 

Reginald D emphasized the importance of understanding and overcoming fear to unlock your potential and create a fulfilling life. He shares a personal experience and highlights the role of faith in taking leaps of faith towards new opportunities. 

He leaves you with strategies such as positive visualization, stepping out of comfort zones, and setting financial goals to help you move forward. The episode ended with a challenge for listeners to meditate on their fears and visualize successful job transitions. 

Tune in for practical tips in your pursuit of greatness. Don't miss out on Reginald D's challenge for the week ahead!

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Real Talk With Reginald D - Merchandise

Welcome to Real Talk With Reginald D's Motivational Coaching Question and Answer segment. I'm your host and Motivational Coach, Reginald D. In my Motivational Coaching segments, we explore strategies to unlock your potential so you can create a fulfilling life. Today, we'll be discussing part two of Afraid of Change. I'm going to continue discussing the question from one of my listeners. The question is, Reginald D., I'm stuck in a dead-end job, but I'm afraid to change. How can I overcome this fear so I can find a better job and make more money? I would like to thank you again for the question. Now let's jump into the second part about fear. There's one thing that can help you with your fear. As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and it will help you reduce the fear that you're experiencing. Take the time to research and educate yourself. research potential new job opportunities, industries, or career paths that might be of interest to you. Or go back to school and acquire the education needed for whatever field you desire. Take courses, attend workshops, or gain certifications, which can make you more competitive and confident. Remember, reducing your uncertainty will help you build confidence, and the more prepared you are, the less intimidating the situation becomes. The next thing I want you to do is look at some job ads for those areas you're interested in or feel you would be the right candidate for. Review the requirements and responsibilities to see if they align with your education and experience. And don't be discouraged if you don't have the degrees they're looking for because some companies will take years of experience over degrees. Just read the whole job ad to see what the necessary requirements are before you toss it. I know it seems overwhelming to you, but don't let the process of finding a new job feel so daunting and overwhelming. You need to break it down into small, actionable goals, and take one step at a time. Because if you overwhelm yourself too quickly, then your fear will be harnessed by being overwhelmed. So I need you to break down the process of finding a new job into small, manageable steps. First, update your resume. Now, I tend to find networking to be one of the most powerful tools when you're looking for a new job because sometimes it's not what you know, but it's who you know. Try and network with people in the fields you're interested in. Then I want you to start applying for positions. But to make it manageable for you and not overwhelming, start small. Apply for one or two jobs each week. When we set small achievable goals, it makes the process less overwhelming and it will help you build momentum. Now it's time for you to start preparing for interviews. A lot of the sample questions asked at interviews can be found on the internet. Google the common interview questions asked and practice responding to the questions. Ask someone to read them to you to help you with the preparation. Doing this will calm your jitters down about the interviewing process and have you well prepared. Just remember to relax and be your authentic self during the interview and you will kill it. I promise you. I need you to realize that being well prepared for the interview will give you a sense of control and will reduce the uncertainty that fuels your fear. I'm not sure if you know this, but action is the antidote of fear. Even if you feel afraid, take small steps toward your goal. Apply for that job, attend a networking event, or enroll in a course to gain new skills. Each step you take will diminish the power of fear and build you up. So another part of the process is shifting your mindset, which is important in your journey. You must change your mindset. Don't view change as a threat, but see it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Change oftentimes will bring you new experiences, skills, and opportunities that you probably wouldn't have encountered otherwise. Embrace a growth mindset, which encourages seeing challenges as chances to grow rather than obstacles. You need to understand that fear is a natural response to stepping into the unknown. But it doesn't have to paralyze you. Remember, every successful person has faced fear at some point, but chose to act despite the fears they had. And I need you to be one of those people. Now, it appears I talk about this weekly, and it's always necessary and important. Try and surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or mentors who can offer encouragement and advice. Discuss your fears and aspirations with them and don't forget to use them to practice your interview and preparation. Sometimes just having someone to talk to can provide the reassurance you need to take the first step. Another step you need to do is to practice self-compassion throughout this whole process. Be kind to yourself through this process. Acknowledge that it's natural to feel fear when facing major life challenges and that overcoming it is a process. Make sure to celebrate your efforts and progress, no matter how small they may seem. Self-compassion can boost your confidence and resilience. And I need you to embrace your uncertainty. Accept that uncertainty is a natural part of life. Embracing uncertainty means acknowledging that you can't control every outcome, but you can control your response to it. By letting go of the need for absolute certainty, you open yourself up to new possibilities and experiences that can enrich your life. It's time now for the challenge for the week. Try and take small steps towards finding a better job. The first small step should be carving out some time to update your resume, and you should commit to taking this step within the next week. After you have completed this process, I would like you to take some time and reflect on this completed step and how it makes you feel to have finished it. Next, I want you to write down your specific fears relating to change your job. Understanding what exactly you're afraid of can help you address these concerns directly. Then reflect on what you truly want in your career. What are your passion, strengths, and long-term goals? Having a clear vision of your desired future can provide motivation and direction. I need you to realize that reaching for a better opportunity despite a fear is a courageous act, and overcoming fear is a critical step toward personal and professional growth. By understanding your fear, reframing your mindset, taking small steps, preparing thoroughly, seeking support, practicing self-compassion, visualizing success, and embracing uncertainty, you can move past your fears and unlock your full potential. Remember, fear is a natural part of the human experience. but it doesn't have to dictate your choices. Face your fears with courage and you'll discover a world of opportunities waiting for you. Now, this change we're talking about is a process and it's okay to move at your own pace. By taking consistent small actions, you're gradually building the confidence and momentum needed to overcome your fear and find a job that truly fulfills you. Embrace the opportunity, trust in your ability, and take the first step toward a brighter professional future. Now, Deuteronomy 8 chapter and 18 verse says, the Lord your God, for it is he who is giving you power to make wealth. The power is in you to get wealth. So go for it. To my listener, thank you for your questions. And I truly hope it provides you with some guidance and inspiration. Now don't forget to send your questions to me via email at rsherman at or visit my website at and instant message me on the website. Or you can just message me on there as well. Or you can even message me on my social media pages. just search for Real Talk with Reginald D. And do me a favor, make sure you share this episode with your family and friends. And don't forget to subscribe to the show so you can receive alerts every Tuesday and Thursday with new episodes that are published. I know it's a lot of information, but if you just go to and explore my website, you will find everything you need there. By the way, you will be able to find all the links in the show notes as well. That's all for today's episode, fam. I hope you find this episode insightful and remember to embrace your journey of personal growth and transformation because you have the power to create the life you desire one step at a time. See you next time. 

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